Sunday, July 8, 2007


I'm afraid I finally took another photo... I'm huge! No wonder I'm waddling. At our Doctor's appointment last Thursday he was still floating high, and she said not to expect him early at all. She also estimated his weight between 6-6.5 lbs. As I get bigger, I'm starting to think that toward the end I may be doing as much as I can to encourage him...

I've been puttering around the house, slowly getting everything put in it's place. We're close to being done with that at least. I also have lots of craft projects, like making baby blankets and slings and diapers that I've been working on too. I'm having way too much fun with my sewing machine. Thanks mom!!! Of course we've also been putting some things off too, like we still need to do the childbirth center tour. I should call them and figure that out. And I still need to pack my hospital bag. I also need more long nightgowns, waistbands are starting to be super painful, especially at night. Jason laughs at me because I improvised a skirt with an old fleece blanket and safety pins that I wear around the house. It's not very classy, but it's sure comfortable!

Jason got a job at Target, but orientation isn't until the third week of July, so I don't think he will actually work there. Instead he registered at Labor Ready and has been doing odd jobs with them as well as picking up day jobs from the Western Job boards. He's done dishwashing at a local Casino, and today he's doing yard labor at a home in Ferndale. Every little bit helps!

I think I now have almost everything I need that I have to have before the baby gets here. Except a diaper pail. But I have liners, so I need to take them with me when shopping so I can make sure they fit. Fun stuff! Most of the diapers are washed and ready, and all of the clothes are too. We still have to pick out what outfits to bring to the hospital though, there's just too much to choose from!

Anyway, I still have a lot to do and I tend to take naps 3-4 times a day. My last day at Kohl's is on Saturday, and I don't work until then either, so at least I have time to relax.

Here's what's happening this week:
The average newborn has a length of 21 1/2 inches and weighs 7 1/2 pounds. He is fully developed, though still adding connections between neurons in the brain (this continues well after birth). His nails have been growing and now reach to the ends of his fingers and toes. His movements are quite restricted by his close quarters.