Sunday, May 17, 2009

A Boy and His Spoon


Baxter is obsessed with spoons. They're pretty much his favorite toy. If you have one, he wants it. It doesn't matter if he's already playing with one, he wants both. He carries them around with him, walking, crawling, whatever. He will hold them while nursing, he will carry it in his mouth, he will bang it on random objects. As long as he has his spoon he's happy.





Besides that, we've had a good week! Mother's day was nice family time. No pictures, it was all just a good day. We ended up buying a new grill, because the one Uncle Don and Aunt Cindy gave us for our wedding 7 years ago finally rusted through and was no longer safe to grill on. We have grilled every night (and sometimes twice a day) since. I guess we love grilling!

Baxter is walking more and more, but still isn't standing up in the middle of the room on his own. However, he has figured out how to climb out of the bathtub if he really wants something. That boy is a born monkey! Seriously, a major monkey.

Yesterday we went to a 3rd birthday party for one of my friend's daughters, and we all had a great time :)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

If you're happy and you know it

Clap your hands!

Or shake your head...

Both of which Baxter has now mastered. He won't do it on command though, and he doesn't associate them with anything, but it's super cute. He will walk around the living room clapping his hands, or spend 15 minutes shaking his head at you when you shake yours or nod at him. Too cute!

He's also become quite the accomplished flirt. He likes to lay his head down on my chest then peek up at someone else. It melts my heart every time! The other day he wanted to flirt with me while walking, so he turned, clasped his hands together and raised them to his cheek, then laid his head on them and grinned. It was so sickeningly adorable!

He still can't get into the standing position without pulling up, so most of the time Baxter crawls to where he can stand, then walks from there until he falls again. I've lost track, but the last time I counted he was up over 20 steps. So incredible!

My mom and Richard came to visit last week, and that was a lot of fun. Baxter spent quite a bit of time flirting with them.

Tonight I'm going to lay down, because I think I"m getting sick (again?!?) and I'm exhausted. Baxter is teething again and not sleeping well, and Jason has had a migraine for 6 days. As well as an odd rash type thing, and so I'm thinking he's having a lactose sensitivity. He's going to try cutting out dairy for a while to see if that fixes it.

We don't have any grand plans for Mother's Day tomorrow, but I'm looking forward to relaxing with my boys. Maybe taking some cute pictures.

I feel like there was more, but I've lost my train of thought :)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Not Me! Monday


Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I haven't done this in a while, and it's time to be honest again.

This week I did not take advantage of being sick to stay in bed all day and let Jason take care of Baxter. And I didn't use that time to do completely useless things like watch TV instead of knit or blog, or... something useful.

Baxter did NOT turn 9 months old a few days ago, he is my little baby boy forever and ever! And I haven't been putting off taking 9 month pictures of him because my room wasn't clean. But I did not spend the first portion of his two hour morning nap today organizing my closet and making the bed so that my mom wouldn't be shocked when she comes to visit. My mother's opinion of me is not more important than taking Baxter's pictures!

I did not canvas all my friends to find someone to go with me to the Tulip festival so I had an excuse to take a ridiculous amount of pictures, and I didn't turn it into an all day fun day, starting with breakfast at my favorite pastry shop and ending with allowing Jason to go buy dinner...

I also did not give Baxter a bit of my sandwich last night so he would stop fussing while I finished eating so I could put him to bed.

And most of all I did not end Baxter's bath after 2 minutes and the washing parts were done because he peed in the water. And how did your week go?

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Tulip Photos

I took a billion. Ok, like 500. We had so much fun!


Check out my flickr page for all of them. I think this is my favorite of the day though :)

Friday, May 1, 2009

I'm excited!

I wanted to go to the Tulip Festival this year, but with our sickness it didn't look like it was going to happen. Well, they extended the festival, and it looks like I'll be meeting a friend of mine there tomorrow! I can't wait to take a ton of photos. I hope the weather stays nice!