Saturday, May 9, 2009

If you're happy and you know it

Clap your hands!

Or shake your head...

Both of which Baxter has now mastered. He won't do it on command though, and he doesn't associate them with anything, but it's super cute. He will walk around the living room clapping his hands, or spend 15 minutes shaking his head at you when you shake yours or nod at him. Too cute!

He's also become quite the accomplished flirt. He likes to lay his head down on my chest then peek up at someone else. It melts my heart every time! The other day he wanted to flirt with me while walking, so he turned, clasped his hands together and raised them to his cheek, then laid his head on them and grinned. It was so sickeningly adorable!

He still can't get into the standing position without pulling up, so most of the time Baxter crawls to where he can stand, then walks from there until he falls again. I've lost track, but the last time I counted he was up over 20 steps. So incredible!

My mom and Richard came to visit last week, and that was a lot of fun. Baxter spent quite a bit of time flirting with them.

Tonight I'm going to lay down, because I think I"m getting sick (again?!?) and I'm exhausted. Baxter is teething again and not sleeping well, and Jason has had a migraine for 6 days. As well as an odd rash type thing, and so I'm thinking he's having a lactose sensitivity. He's going to try cutting out dairy for a while to see if that fixes it.

We don't have any grand plans for Mother's Day tomorrow, but I'm looking forward to relaxing with my boys. Maybe taking some cute pictures.

I feel like there was more, but I've lost my train of thought :)


  1. That is so cute about the clapping. Hayden was doing it, and every time he did I would say 'Yaaaaaaaay' So that eventually when I would say that, he would start clapping. But, he stopped. He hasn't done it in a month. I can't wait till he starts shaking his head though. I remember when my little sister started, it scared us because we thought she was having a seizure or something! Lol.

  2. Can he flirt with me?

    Lauren would also like to play patty cake with him!
