Thursday, May 22, 2008

Single Digits?!?

So I am now 31 weeks and 1 day pregnant. That means I have 9 weeks left. Give or take. I can't believe how fast time is going! I know I need to take another picture, maybe tomorrow. I'm just sooooo busy!

Jason interviewed at Sedro-Woolley today. He thinks it went well, so that's exciting! I got one of my projects turned in, I have another one that's doing well, one I pretty much need to start, and one that I have a few more things to do. And two presentations and three exams. And I still need to start packing... Oh, and I have to go to a play tonight and then write a review. so I hope you all understand why there isn't much here!

We started birth classes, which so far have been good. I like the other couples there, and it's nice to meet other pregnant women in the area. One couple even lives in Mt. Vernon, but both work at the school district Jason applied to. If he were to get that job, Kevin (the husband) might be teaching with him some! He's one of the special ed teachers at the high school. That would be neat for them.

Ok, must do something productive with my time, like working on that management project. So here's what's happening this week:
Your baby weighs about 4 pounds and is about fifteen to seventeen inches tall. Photographs of babies in utero at this stage show their skin becoming less translucent and pinker, as layers of fat are deposited under the skin. His skeleton is rapidly ossifying (turning from cartilage into solid bone), which means that kicks will become visible through your shirt as the trimester progresses. Well-placed kicks under your ribs can take your breath away!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

First Mother's Day

Hello All!

So what's happening, the short version: We found someone to rent our apartment, and found a townhouse in North Bellingham. Jason is still looking for a job, and he just applied to Seedro-Woolley. I'm doing a billion things for school, work and my internship. So we're keeping busy. We have boxes to start packing, but haven't done any yet...

Mom and Richard came up for Mother's Day. It was really nice. We went out to lunch at the Keg, and we drove around Bellingham a bit. It was really nice to be able to spend time with them.

Congratulations to Kit and Christine, and their new son Joel, and Kimmie and her son Joe! You make me jealous, this little man keeps kicking me in the lungs.

I probably have more to say, but it's lost out of my head right now. So here's what's happening this week:
You baby weighs between 2 1/2 and 3 1/2 pounds. He continues to gain weight at a faster pace than he lengthens, which will give him those cute chubby cheeks. He's about fourteen to sixteen inches tall, although individual growth rates vary. Your baby begins to run out of room as he puts on weight. You should feel about ten kicks an hour. Some care providers suggest keeping a "kick chart" by writing down how many kicks you feel in an hour, so that you are aware if there's a decrease in activity. Other care providers may advise that as long as it feels like the baby's active, there's no need to keep notes. If you do sense a decrease in activity, try drinking a large glass of juice. If that doesn't make the baby energized, or makes him less energized than he usually would be, call your care provider.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

I know I'm behind....

Life has just been so busy! We're frantically trying to find renters to take over our lease in June, and trying to find a new place for us to move into. We spent the weekend cleaning the house in preparation to be able to show it. Now we need to start finding moving boxes so we can start packing! I'm finishing up mid-terms on Thursday, but then comes the rounds of projects. Sorry if I'm spotty about posting, and I promise to update pictures soon. I have them (well, I need to take this week's) but I need to upload them off the camera.

My nesting is taking on weird forms. Today I really wanted to buy new bathroom towels. Nice soft fluffy ones that the dye isn't washing out of in ugly orange blotches.... We have a ton of towels, but they're all cheap/old/gross. But we don't need more! I think I just need extra time each week to do what I want to do. I can't wait until we move and I have a little more time, even I'm less mobile. Bending over is getting hard now. I guess I should expect that, I'm 28 weeks and 4 days! The little man moves like crazy, and sometimes he tries to moon the other people around me. At least that's what it feels like he's doing when he pushes his little bum straight out into my belly button.

Ok, update for the week:
Your baby is about two and a half pounds and would be between fifteen and seventeen inches tall if she could stand. Your baby's adrenal glands are producing a chemical which will be made into estriol (a form of estrogen) by the placenta. This estriol is thought to stimulate the production of prolactin by your body, and the prolactin makes you produce milk. So even if your baby comes early, you'll still be able to breastfeed. Each passing week improves the likelihood that your baby will be born strong and healthy. His brain can detect rhythmic breathing and control body temperature, so he's less likely to need breathing assistance should he be born early. He's growing eyelashes, adding fat, and developing his brain. Because of brain wave activity, researchers have speculated that babies can even dream at this time!