So I have 2-6 weeks left.... goodness there's still a lot to do! I uploaded pictures from the baby shower, and I still need to take a recent one, but we've been a little busy.
OH!!! I don't plan on putting many baby pictures on this website. I'm going to be putting them on Flickr, so you can download them better. But I don't want just ANYONE downloading them, so it's going to be required that you be on my Flickr friend's list. This is free, and you just have to have a log in that's registered to Flickr. Once you register to Flickr, you can become my friend. If you have any problems with this, or want help setting it up, please contact me (link on the left) and I'll help you through it.
But here's what's happening this week anyway:
Your baby has likely hit the six-pound mark by now, and his length is approximately twenty-one inches. The weight on your abdomen probably feels like twice that. Your baby is practicing his breathing, but he has increasingly less space to practice stretching and kicking. Your baby' intestines are also building up meconium, a greenish-black substance made of baby by-products such as dead cells, shed lanugo, and amniotic fluid. It'll become your little darling's first bowel movement, hopefully after he is out of the womb. His body fat has increased to about eight percent. By birth, it'll be about fifteen percent. If your baby is a boy, his testes will have descended into his scrotum. While your baby could be born at any time, the longer he stays in, the more time he has to develop the connections in his brain in the pleasant peace and quiet of your womb. At this point, he can do all the things a newborn can, with the exception of breathing air and pooping in a diaper. Just as you're feeling stretched, your baby is being squeezed on all sides. Some of your antibodies are crossing the placenta, giving your baby's immune system some support for his first days in the world. If you breastfeed, you'll later be giving him immunities in your milk.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
I'm slowly getting caught up. We finished moving into our new place, and now we just have to finish unpacking. The whole house smells like East Indian food, so Jason has to wash the walls with TSP to hopefully take care of it. Overall I really like the way it's coming together! It's not the nicest place in the world, but it could be worse.
Jason starts looking for a part time job this week to hopefully help us until the Baby is born. I hope he finds something with decent hours and pay, and that he won't mind leaving once I'm in labor!
We had our baby shower on Saturday at the Cook's house. It was amazing, I had so much fun and got such great gifts! I'll post pictures later. We're still at my Mom's house until this afternoon. It's her birthday so we're doing lunch with her then heading home. We still don't have internet at the new place yet, but hopefully in the next few days that will change.
Anyway, I'm really tired so I don't have a whole lot to say. I'll update more later! Oh, but I suppose I should tell you what's going on right now. I'm at 35 weeks and 5 days, 8 days until I'm FULL TERM!!!
With one month to go, your baby weighs about six pounds and is fattening. His full length from crown to feet is about 20 1/2 inches. Has your baby's movement slowed down? If so, you shouldn't worry. Five to ten percent of all mothers report that babies start to slow down as they grow larger and get more cramped for space. Still, you should be able to feel your baby move more than ten times a day. If you're concerned, try drinking a sweet beverage, such as orange juice, and then lying on your side for a while. Most babies will wake up and start to move. If you're still concerned, contact your healthcare provider.
Jason starts looking for a part time job this week to hopefully help us until the Baby is born. I hope he finds something with decent hours and pay, and that he won't mind leaving once I'm in labor!
We had our baby shower on Saturday at the Cook's house. It was amazing, I had so much fun and got such great gifts! I'll post pictures later. We're still at my Mom's house until this afternoon. It's her birthday so we're doing lunch with her then heading home. We still don't have internet at the new place yet, but hopefully in the next few days that will change.
Anyway, I'm really tired so I don't have a whole lot to say. I'll update more later! Oh, but I suppose I should tell you what's going on right now. I'm at 35 weeks and 5 days, 8 days until I'm FULL TERM!!!
With one month to go, your baby weighs about six pounds and is fattening. His full length from crown to feet is about 20 1/2 inches. Has your baby's movement slowed down? If so, you shouldn't worry. Five to ten percent of all mothers report that babies start to slow down as they grow larger and get more cramped for space. Still, you should be able to feel your baby move more than ten times a day. If you're concerned, try drinking a sweet beverage, such as orange juice, and then lying on your side for a while. Most babies will wake up and start to move. If you're still concerned, contact your healthcare provider.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day!
Jason is going to be such a wonderful father.
I see it in the way he treats me, and the way he interacts with the baby, and the amount of attention he pays in birth class, and the way he loves our cats. I'm so proud of him and so blessed to have him in my life. I can't wait to see him interacting with our son.
Jason has been amazing the last few weeks. He's been keeping my anxiety down and getting a ton done around the house. We're only a few days away from moving now, and we're getting close to being ready. Today he hasn't felt the greatest but he's been a trooper and stuck with it. He's out getting us dinner right now, because we decided to eat all our pantry and fridge food... and we succeeded.
I just want you all to know how great he is. I love him with all my heart and I'm so happy to be sharing my life with him. I can't wait (well, I can) to give him a son.
I love you Jason!
I see it in the way he treats me, and the way he interacts with the baby, and the amount of attention he pays in birth class, and the way he loves our cats. I'm so proud of him and so blessed to have him in my life. I can't wait to see him interacting with our son.
Jason has been amazing the last few weeks. He's been keeping my anxiety down and getting a ton done around the house. We're only a few days away from moving now, and we're getting close to being ready. Today he hasn't felt the greatest but he's been a trooper and stuck with it. He's out getting us dinner right now, because we decided to eat all our pantry and fridge food... and we succeeded.
I just want you all to know how great he is. I love him with all my heart and I'm so happy to be sharing my life with him. I can't wait (well, I can) to give him a son.
I love you Jason!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Almost done....
With school. Just a short presentation tomorrow morning, and I'm done for a while at least. I spent all of Wednesday afternoon and most of today being totally unproductive. I'm completely exhausted, so even though I have a ton to do, all I can do is nap!
The little man has been super active recently. He likes playing "kick Dad's hand!" but generally refuses to move when anyone else tries to feel him. Whenever my Mom is around, he won't even hiccup! I'm hoping she has that calming presence on him when he's actually here.
We still have a ton of packing and cleaning to do, but we're slowly making progress. I think I might have more energy today but I haven't eaten enough. We need groceries, but I hate buying food before a move. So I ate a can of corn for lunch. What I really wanted was corn bread (no idea why) but I wasn't about to put on real pants and shoes to go buy it. We're down to beans, chicken broth and pineapple in the pantry. I might need to make a grocery run for frozen lasagna's or something like that. I still feel like I'm not eating enough. I've gained all of 8 lbs so far! But you can see exactly where it all is, so I'm feeling pretty good about it.
Ok, so talking about food made me hungry. Maybe I will think about getting dressed. Or I may think about the oreos in the pantry. I forgot I had those....
The little man has been super active recently. He likes playing "kick Dad's hand!" but generally refuses to move when anyone else tries to feel him. Whenever my Mom is around, he won't even hiccup! I'm hoping she has that calming presence on him when he's actually here.
We still have a ton of packing and cleaning to do, but we're slowly making progress. I think I might have more energy today but I haven't eaten enough. We need groceries, but I hate buying food before a move. So I ate a can of corn for lunch. What I really wanted was corn bread (no idea why) but I wasn't about to put on real pants and shoes to go buy it. We're down to beans, chicken broth and pineapple in the pantry. I might need to make a grocery run for frozen lasagna's or something like that. I still feel like I'm not eating enough. I've gained all of 8 lbs so far! But you can see exactly where it all is, so I'm feeling pretty good about it.
Ok, so talking about food made me hungry. Maybe I will think about getting dressed. Or I may think about the oreos in the pantry. I forgot I had those....
Thursday, June 5, 2008
I finally put up a few more pictures.... I grew a lot since I last posted. Someone told me they met someone who is due next week and she's half my size. I guess he's just all out front! I can't believe there's still 7 weeks or so, crazy!
I finished an exam and a presentation, so now I just have a paper, project, presentation, and exam left!
OHHH! And Jason is awesome and got us tickets to go see Ryan Stiles and Greg Proops. We've been trying for ages to go see Ryan Stiles, and the fact that we got tickets to see two great performers is even better! For those of you who don't know, Ryan Stiles was on the Drew Carey Show and Who's Line is it Anyway, and he lives in Bellingham and owns the Up Front Theater here. He does shows about twice a year, and he's a fantastic improv comic. It will make it a better weekend for me, that's for sure!
I finished an exam and a presentation, so now I just have a paper, project, presentation, and exam left!
OHHH! And Jason is awesome and got us tickets to go see Ryan Stiles and Greg Proops. We've been trying for ages to go see Ryan Stiles, and the fact that we got tickets to see two great performers is even better! For those of you who don't know, Ryan Stiles was on the Drew Carey Show and Who's Line is it Anyway, and he lives in Bellingham and owns the Up Front Theater here. He does shows about twice a year, and he's a fantastic improv comic. It will make it a better weekend for me, that's for sure!
Greg Proops,
Ryan Stiles,

Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Has it been 2 weeks?
Tomorrow I'm 33 weeks pregnant. I took pictures last week and never posted them.... I'll try to get on top of that. It's just been incredibly busy. This week I have a project due today, a presentation and an exam on Thursday, the last 8 hours of my internship on Wednesday and Friday, a physical therapist and doctors appointment on Friday, then I work 11-4 on Saturday and 7-1 on Sunday, and have to finish another project by Tuesday, then an exam the following Wednesday, and another presentation on Friday. So in 10 days I'll be done with this quarter. Then we have about 5 days to finish packing before we move, then go to Seattle for the weekend for our baby shower and Mom's birthday, and then come home and unpack.
And I was summoned for Jury Duty June 30-July 11th. I'm hoping they let me out of it....
Oh, I posted links to our registries now. I'm slowly getting caught up on some things, but not on everything.
Last weekend my Mom, Richard, and April came over. It was so nice to see them! I think we get somewhat isolated with how busy we have been. Our birth classes have been nice to be able to go out and see people. But we haven't read any of the book that we're supposed to, nor done the hospital tour. But we have a carseat now (we got a free one with our insurance, and it's actually a pretty good one). Mostly I'm looking forward to being done with school and moving so I can settle in and nest.
Ok, so here's what happened last week:
Your baby's crown-to-rump length is about 11 1/2 inches. He weighs about 4 1/2 pounds and gains about eight ounces every week. Your baby has probably moved to the head-down position and may descend into your pelvis at any time in the next six weeks and begin to press into your cervix. This position not only prepares him for birth but allows blood to flow to his developing brain. The dark quiet of your womb is perfect for this activity. Right now, your baby is also in the process of receiving your antibodies. If he were born right now, his immune system would be immature, and extra care would need to be taken to keep him in a sterile environment.
And here's what's happening next week:
Your baby weighs five pounds or more, about the size of a bag of sugar. He will continue to gain about two or more pounds in the next six weeks. Now that your baby's brain has formed billions of neurons, it must accomplish the even more complex feat of hooking the neurons and synapses together. Your baby's brain is forming trillions of connections, making it possible for him to learn in the womb. All of this brain development may be the reason that your baby sleeps frequently at this stage. He may even be dreaming—his eyes dart around rapidly just as an adult's might in REM sleep. Your child's development is in no way complete at birth. In the first year after birth, a baby's brain triples in size and becomes three-quarters of its adult size.
Oh, and I've gained 7 lbs now. Not too bad!
And I was summoned for Jury Duty June 30-July 11th. I'm hoping they let me out of it....
Oh, I posted links to our registries now. I'm slowly getting caught up on some things, but not on everything.
Last weekend my Mom, Richard, and April came over. It was so nice to see them! I think we get somewhat isolated with how busy we have been. Our birth classes have been nice to be able to go out and see people. But we haven't read any of the book that we're supposed to, nor done the hospital tour. But we have a carseat now (we got a free one with our insurance, and it's actually a pretty good one). Mostly I'm looking forward to being done with school and moving so I can settle in and nest.
Ok, so here's what happened last week:
Your baby's crown-to-rump length is about 11 1/2 inches. He weighs about 4 1/2 pounds and gains about eight ounces every week. Your baby has probably moved to the head-down position and may descend into your pelvis at any time in the next six weeks and begin to press into your cervix. This position not only prepares him for birth but allows blood to flow to his developing brain. The dark quiet of your womb is perfect for this activity. Right now, your baby is also in the process of receiving your antibodies. If he were born right now, his immune system would be immature, and extra care would need to be taken to keep him in a sterile environment.
And here's what's happening next week:
Your baby weighs five pounds or more, about the size of a bag of sugar. He will continue to gain about two or more pounds in the next six weeks. Now that your baby's brain has formed billions of neurons, it must accomplish the even more complex feat of hooking the neurons and synapses together. Your baby's brain is forming trillions of connections, making it possible for him to learn in the womb. All of this brain development may be the reason that your baby sleeps frequently at this stage. He may even be dreaming—his eyes dart around rapidly just as an adult's might in REM sleep. Your child's development is in no way complete at birth. In the first year after birth, a baby's brain triples in size and becomes three-quarters of its adult size.
Oh, and I've gained 7 lbs now. Not too bad!
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