And he knows it. He "helps" during diaper changes now, and raises his legs when the diaper comes off. The then usually grabs himself. Then once his had has been disengaged and the diaper around him, he pumps his legs up and down, thinking this will help to fasten the diaper...
I've also started calling him "Goomba" because how how chubby his cheeks are. First Jason thought it was stupid, but he likes it now :D
We're excited for the holiday! We'll be in Seattle all weekend, so Grandpas and Grandmas and Aunts and Uncles can get their Baxter fix!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
For the last two days Baxter has not let me nurse him to sleep. Instead he wants to be nursed, then walked and rocked for about 5 minutes, then laid down with the pacifier (still awake) where he will then put himself to sleep. While this is a welcome development, it's sad to think that one of my favorite portions of the day has come to an end. I'm hoping he still lets me nurse him to sleep sometime. There's nothing like having a sleeping baby on your lap, even if his foot now creeps up to rest on your chin...

Thursday, November 20, 2008
Baxter now understands peek-a-boo and giggles or smiles. It's great. And sometimes he's ticklish under his arms! He's smiling soooo much more. He's finally sleeping through the night (mostly) again. He keeps getting sick (thanks public school system!) so we keep having him sleep in his chair in his crib. He's almost outgrown the co-sleeper! I have no idea what we'll do when that happens. I don't do super well when he co-sleeps, because I barely sleep or wake up with sore hips. So we might put the bed on the floor with our toddler mattress next to us. But that means buying toddler sheets and a bed-rail so he doesn't roll off. Not that he would anyway, because the boy still sleeps swaddled! We've tried to wean him off of it, but it results in more of a headache for us because he constantly wakes himself up. I try to do unswaddled naps during the day, but the longest he goes is 40 minutes. His swaddled naps are 1.25 to 2.5 hours long... He's also started putting himself to sleep better. We changed pacifiers, and he the new ones put him to sleep. He doesn't like them unless he's sleepy though, which is nice.
School is... stressful. The quarter is almost over, and there's only one more from here. Jason is sick yet again, but his classes are going well. I can't think of what else to post. I'm putting more pictures up on flickr, and a video of peek-a-boo up on youtube.
School is... stressful. The quarter is almost over, and there's only one more from here. Jason is sick yet again, but his classes are going well. I can't think of what else to post. I'm putting more pictures up on flickr, and a video of peek-a-boo up on youtube.
Monday, November 10, 2008
I realized how ungrateful I had been when Baxter was sleeping though the night. If he starts again (which I know he will eventually, but I want it to happen now) I will be ever so thankful. I was so used to it, and now I'm sleep deprived! He's gotten a little better, but still not great. He was up 3 times last night, but one of them was for over an hour and a half. Last Thursday he woke up at 2am, and we tried for an hour to get him back down, but Jason ended up holding him and watching a movie until 5am because he would not sleep. He had to be held, not just cuddled in bed. But since then we got the teething necklace, and at night I wrap it around his ankle under his PJ's. It did reduce the number of wake-ups from 5 down to 3. And he's not nearly as fussy during the day and naps are a snap to put him down. Except for today, because I had meetings on campus that conflicted with his naps, and he was NOT happy. He's currently napping on Jason, even though bed time is less than an hour away.
I better go check on the boys, Jason lost the remote so he's probably irritated with what he's watching and unable to change it and unable to yell for me to go change it, hehe.
I better go check on the boys, Jason lost the remote so he's probably irritated with what he's watching and unable to change it and unable to yell for me to go change it, hehe.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I forgot to add yesterday that he's been starting to reach for toys. He's pretty good at getting them into his mouth to chew on too. But mostly he prefers my finger... He'll gnaw for ages on my knuckle. Last night he woke up 5 times. Not necessarily to nurse, but because his mouth hurt. He only nursed once out of all of that. He just wanted to know I was there, and to gnaw on my finger for a few minutes before falling back asleep. Did not make for a good exam this morning. It wasn't terrible, but it could have gone a lot better.
Tonight Jason has parent teacher conferences, and won't be home until about 9pm. So I have to put Baxter to bed by myself. I'm hoping to get my prep done for tomorrow, and just go to bed with him. Tomorrow night I'm volunteering at the Mother Baby Center auction ( I highly recommend supporting them, they were a great support to me, and they're a fantastic addition to the Whatcom County community. But Jason gets to return the favor, and he gets to put Baxter to bed by himself tomorrow. We'll see how that goes, Baxter has never done that before, he's always had me to nurse him, then Daddy walks with him. It's a two part, two parent process. I'm glad he wants both of us though!
Tonight Jason has parent teacher conferences, and won't be home until about 9pm. So I have to put Baxter to bed by myself. I'm hoping to get my prep done for tomorrow, and just go to bed with him. Tomorrow night I'm volunteering at the Mother Baby Center auction ( I highly recommend supporting them, they were a great support to me, and they're a fantastic addition to the Whatcom County community. But Jason gets to return the favor, and he gets to put Baxter to bed by himself tomorrow. We'll see how that goes, Baxter has never done that before, he's always had me to nurse him, then Daddy walks with him. It's a two part, two parent process. I'm glad he wants both of us though!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Baxter has such a steady growth rate, I'm ready for it to plateau. I'm breaking out the holiday themed clothes I got for him on clearance last year, in 6-9 month sizes! I wasn't quite ready to have him in clothes covered in snowflakes and snowmen, but it's snowing somewhere, right? He had a WIC appointment today, and I updated his growth chart, but here are the percentiles according to them:
Weight: 15 pounds 12 ounces (90-95th percentile)
Height: 24 3/8 inches (50-75th percentile)
Head circumference: 16 3/4 (50-75th percentile)
In other words, he's stayed the same length, but his head has gotten bigger, and his weight has gone up. Does that mean he has a fat head? Well, he's a pretty proportionate little guy, except for his HUGE THIGHS!
Weight: 15 pounds 12 ounces (90-95th percentile)
Height: 24 3/8 inches (50-75th percentile)
Head circumference: 16 3/4 (50-75th percentile)
In other words, he's stayed the same length, but his head has gotten bigger, and his weight has gone up. Does that mean he has a fat head? Well, he's a pretty proportionate little guy, except for his HUGE THIGHS!

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