Baxter is obsessed with spoons. They're pretty much his favorite toy. If you have one, he wants it. It doesn't matter if he's already playing with one, he wants both. He carries them around with him, walking, crawling, whatever. He will hold them while nursing, he will carry it in his mouth, he will bang it on random objects. As long as he has his spoon he's happy.

Besides that, we've had a good week! Mother's day was nice family time. No pictures, it was all just a good day. We ended up buying a new grill, because the one Uncle Don and Aunt Cindy gave us for our wedding 7 years ago finally rusted through and was no longer safe to grill on. We have grilled every night (and sometimes twice a day) since. I guess we love grilling!
Baxter is walking more and more, but still isn't standing up in the middle of the room on his own. However, he has figured out how to climb out of the bathtub if he really wants something. That boy is a born monkey! Seriously, a major monkey.
Yesterday we went to a 3rd birthday party for one of my friend's daughters, and we all had a great time :)