Saturday, August 1, 2009

A year ago today...

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I know, I can't believe it's been a year already! My baby boy has grown into a sturdy little toddler.
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This past year has been amazing. I was going to write a sappy post, but my boy needs me to put him down for a nap.

And yes, he's SOOOO BIG!!!


  1. and he's soooo cute. it's amazing how fast these little boogers grow, eh? i tear up every time i look at my daughter, and realize my son used to be as small as she is right now. i miss my baby boy! Happy Birthday Baxter!!!!

  2. He's such a cutie! Sorry to read about the IMac tho. :( Hope vaca is/was fun.

    By the way, I received a blog award and now I'm passing it along to you. Just stop by my blog to pick it up.
