So I was going to post pictures today. I've been taking them, just haven't posted them. But the photos on the site are down, so maybe later this week I'll get them up.
I've been SUPER busy, and probably have a lot to say, but I can't remember now. Anyway, here's what's happening for week 27:
Your baby has doubled his weight in the past month and is the size of a bag of flour. He now weighs almost 2 1/2 pounds. His total length is nearly fifteen inches. Your baby's lungs are now capable of breathing air! This is big news. It means if the baby is born from now on, he'll be able to survive with less medical intervention. Your baby's main job right now is to put the finishing touches on major organ systems, such as his brain, lungs, and liver. As you can probably tell, he's also working on gaining layers of fat. His body fat is about 2 to 3 percent. Your baby's eyes, which were covered by her eyelid folds at the sixth week of development, are capable of opening this week. His sucking and swallowing skills are improving.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
I should be doing something else...
I should be working on one of the 8 million things I need to do for school. Well, maybe not 8 million, (checks my list) really it's just 6 different projects. I'll have to try to space them out over tonight, tomorrow, and this weekend. My dad tried to have a "who's busier" contest, and I won. He didn't think I could do it, but I showed him.
I don't really have much to update about. I'm now 26 weeks, which is exciting. I keep getting one of two comments - You don't look big enough to be that far along! or Wow, you must be due any day! But according to my doctor I'm right on track. Wearing good shoes and having the belly cradle and taking my iron pills have given me a little more energy, but usually by the time I'm home I'm basically on bed rest because even if my back doesn't hurt too bad then I need to rest it for the next day.
Jason's been great though. He's been doing the grocery shopping and a lot of the cooking. He's basically amazing. Now I think I'm getting sick though (which I CANNOT do!) and it's his fault. We were cuddling in bed last night, and he starts coughing, then casually mentions he's had a sore throat the last few days. I would have stayed away from him if I had known that!
And the little man is starting to pay attention to noises. He'll be still until either Jason or I say something in the morning. The minute one of us talks, he starts kicking. I think he responds to the alarm clock too. It's hard to tell, because some morning's Jason's alarm clock goes off and he does nothing about it until I yell at him or shake him, depending on what side I'm laying on. But by then the little man is awake, and therefore sleeping in has become impossible.
Ok, so here's what's happening this week:
Your baby weighs about two pounds and is about 12 to 15 inches long, about the size of a small pot roast. If your baby were born now, he would have an excellent chance (85 percent) of surviving. He still isn't fully formed and would probably not be able to breath by himself. He would need to stay in an incubator to keep his body temperature regulated, and he would have a weak liver and immune system. (Fact: Babies have more taste buds at birth than they will have later in life. Newborns can sniff out and tell the difference between their mother's milk and someone else's.)
I don't really have much to update about. I'm now 26 weeks, which is exciting. I keep getting one of two comments - You don't look big enough to be that far along! or Wow, you must be due any day! But according to my doctor I'm right on track. Wearing good shoes and having the belly cradle and taking my iron pills have given me a little more energy, but usually by the time I'm home I'm basically on bed rest because even if my back doesn't hurt too bad then I need to rest it for the next day.
Jason's been great though. He's been doing the grocery shopping and a lot of the cooking. He's basically amazing. Now I think I'm getting sick though (which I CANNOT do!) and it's his fault. We were cuddling in bed last night, and he starts coughing, then casually mentions he's had a sore throat the last few days. I would have stayed away from him if I had known that!
And the little man is starting to pay attention to noises. He'll be still until either Jason or I say something in the morning. The minute one of us talks, he starts kicking. I think he responds to the alarm clock too. It's hard to tell, because some morning's Jason's alarm clock goes off and he does nothing about it until I yell at him or shake him, depending on what side I'm laying on. But by then the little man is awake, and therefore sleeping in has become impossible.
Ok, so here's what's happening this week:
Your baby weighs about two pounds and is about 12 to 15 inches long, about the size of a small pot roast. If your baby were born now, he would have an excellent chance (85 percent) of surviving. He still isn't fully formed and would probably not be able to breath by himself. He would need to stay in an incubator to keep his body temperature regulated, and he would have a weak liver and immune system. (Fact: Babies have more taste buds at birth than they will have later in life. Newborns can sniff out and tell the difference between their mother's milk and someone else's.)
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Another week goes by
I suppose I should take a picture this week, huh? I'm so tired that it almost feels like a chore! But I know I want to look at them later, so I should do it. Maybe tomorrow morning when I have better hair. But then again, I'll be so close to 26 weeks, I'll delay those photos, and so on and so on... I'll try to do it later tonight. That means take, not post!
I've just been keeping myself super busy with school this week. And I've been knitting a ton. I'm really good at knitting while reading. It helps me read better, since I'm doing something with my hands I'm less likely to fall asleep, which I'm prone to doing.
I feel like this little man has about doubled his weight in the past week. His movements are so much stronger. Last night I even felt him do a roll, and I could feel his back turn over! It was pretty fun. Jason's been enjoying it too. People are really noticing that I'm pregnant now. I haven't had problems with strangers coming up and touching my belly, which is nice. And most people I know ask before touching, which is thoughtful.
We're registered at Target and and Baby's R Us now. I'm having a hard time with registries though. They want you to register for all sorts of useless stuff! We're pretty simple people, and since we're cloth diapering, breastfeeding, and he's sharing a room with us, that eliminates a lot of what we're told we need. So mostly we're registering for the expensive things like bouncers, high chairs, strollers, and a bathtub. And I have duplicates from between the two stores, since I don't know who's shopping where. So if you look at both, and wonder, that's why! I figure if we do get duplicates we'll return one and get something else we need. And we didn't register for any toys or clothes, because I'll let people choose on their own instead of having me dictate it. But gift receipts are still a must! Most stores won't return anything without a receipt anymore. Or if they do you only get a fraction of what they're worth. Not that I'm planning on returning many things, but you never know. Sorry, I guess that was a mini gift registry rant.
Ok, well I'll leave you with week 25's update, and then try to get the energy to go take pictures.
Your baby weighs about 1 1/2 pounds and has undergone a growth spurt in the past few weeks. From weeks twenty to twenty-eight, he almost doubles in height and now would be about a foot tall if he could stand. This week marks a major milestone in your baby's hearing and sight. Your baby's hearing system (cochlea and peripheral sensory end organs), which began fine development during week eighteen, is now completely formed, and over the next few weeks, he'll become increasingly sensitive to sound. In about a month, you'll feel her jump if she hears a sudden loud noise. Sound passes easily into your uterus, which helps her ears develop. Her eyes are almost fully formed. Did you know that all babies have blue eyes in the womb, no matter what their genetic inheritance is? A baby's eyes don't get their final color until a few months after they are born. The air sacs of the lungs, called alveoli, will be developed by the end of this week and will begin to secrete a substance called surfactant that keeps the lung tissue from sticking together.
I've just been keeping myself super busy with school this week. And I've been knitting a ton. I'm really good at knitting while reading. It helps me read better, since I'm doing something with my hands I'm less likely to fall asleep, which I'm prone to doing.
I feel like this little man has about doubled his weight in the past week. His movements are so much stronger. Last night I even felt him do a roll, and I could feel his back turn over! It was pretty fun. Jason's been enjoying it too. People are really noticing that I'm pregnant now. I haven't had problems with strangers coming up and touching my belly, which is nice. And most people I know ask before touching, which is thoughtful.
We're registered at Target and and Baby's R Us now. I'm having a hard time with registries though. They want you to register for all sorts of useless stuff! We're pretty simple people, and since we're cloth diapering, breastfeeding, and he's sharing a room with us, that eliminates a lot of what we're told we need. So mostly we're registering for the expensive things like bouncers, high chairs, strollers, and a bathtub. And I have duplicates from between the two stores, since I don't know who's shopping where. So if you look at both, and wonder, that's why! I figure if we do get duplicates we'll return one and get something else we need. And we didn't register for any toys or clothes, because I'll let people choose on their own instead of having me dictate it. But gift receipts are still a must! Most stores won't return anything without a receipt anymore. Or if they do you only get a fraction of what they're worth. Not that I'm planning on returning many things, but you never know. Sorry, I guess that was a mini gift registry rant.
Ok, well I'll leave you with week 25's update, and then try to get the energy to go take pictures.
Your baby weighs about 1 1/2 pounds and has undergone a growth spurt in the past few weeks. From weeks twenty to twenty-eight, he almost doubles in height and now would be about a foot tall if he could stand. This week marks a major milestone in your baby's hearing and sight. Your baby's hearing system (cochlea and peripheral sensory end organs), which began fine development during week eighteen, is now completely formed, and over the next few weeks, he'll become increasingly sensitive to sound. In about a month, you'll feel her jump if she hears a sudden loud noise. Sound passes easily into your uterus, which helps her ears develop. Her eyes are almost fully formed. Did you know that all babies have blue eyes in the womb, no matter what their genetic inheritance is? A baby's eyes don't get their final color until a few months after they are born. The air sacs of the lungs, called alveoli, will be developed by the end of this week and will begin to secrete a substance called surfactant that keeps the lung tissue from sticking together.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Just a quick note!
I passed my one hour glucose test (yay!) so I don't have gestational diabetes. According to the doctors office I've gained 8 lbs, but I had already lost 6 when they first saw me, so I'm only really up 2. And that was all in the last month! The goal was .5 a pound a month for a while, so that's great. They think my weight gain is perfect :D And it helps to know that I had a friend come over who hadn't seen me in 3 months and she thought I had lost weight (except in the belly) so I'm feeling pretty good for a pregnant woman.
But I've been really tired, and now I know why. I'm anemic! So now I get to start taking even more pills every day. Blech. I'm having a hard time will pills, so think about me!
But I've been really tired, and now I know why. I'm anemic! So now I get to start taking even more pills every day. Blech. I'm having a hard time will pills, so think about me!

Saturday, April 5, 2008
So Busy
Well, life got even more hectic. I didn't really think it was possible, but it has! Classes started again this week, as well as my internship. Lets just say it will be a very difficult next 10 weeks.
But I'll share fun stuff today! The other day I was in the shower and the little man was kicking away. I started singing, and he stopped kicking! As soon as I stopped singing he started kicking ferociously. Then he stopped again when I started singing. I guess he likes it when mommy sings :D I took some video after I stopped singing, it's about a minute long, but you can really see my belly bounce all over the place, hehe! If you want to see it, email me. I don't really want to post it on YouTube.
I have a nurse appointment tomorrow, and a doctor visit on Monday. On monday I have to do my one hour glucose test to see if I have Gestational Diabetes. I don't think I do, but the test does not sound fun anyway.
I had a lot more to share, but I'm just too tired right now. I started knitting a baby blanket, and I finished a few other things. I have more yarn coming in next week or so that I'm excited about. I found that knitting in class helps me pay attention. When my hands are doing something, I'm less likely to fall asleep!
Ok, I'll write more later, but I can't promise my updates will be very regular anymore. We'll see though, hopefully I still get pictures done regularly.
Here's what's happening this week:
Your baby weighs 1 1/4 pounds and is a little more than 11 inches long, about the size of a small bag of sugar. In the last third of pregnancy, he'll double and triple his weight. Your dexterous baby can touch and hold his feet and make a fist. Your partner may be able to hear his heartbeat by pressing his ear against your belly. Your baby has a regular sleep schedule now and active and inactive periods. You may or may not be able to discern what those periods are. His nostrils, which have been plugged, open up.
But I'll share fun stuff today! The other day I was in the shower and the little man was kicking away. I started singing, and he stopped kicking! As soon as I stopped singing he started kicking ferociously. Then he stopped again when I started singing. I guess he likes it when mommy sings :D I took some video after I stopped singing, it's about a minute long, but you can really see my belly bounce all over the place, hehe! If you want to see it, email me. I don't really want to post it on YouTube.
I have a nurse appointment tomorrow, and a doctor visit on Monday. On monday I have to do my one hour glucose test to see if I have Gestational Diabetes. I don't think I do, but the test does not sound fun anyway.
I had a lot more to share, but I'm just too tired right now. I started knitting a baby blanket, and I finished a few other things. I have more yarn coming in next week or so that I'm excited about. I found that knitting in class helps me pay attention. When my hands are doing something, I'm less likely to fall asleep!
Ok, I'll write more later, but I can't promise my updates will be very regular anymore. We'll see though, hopefully I still get pictures done regularly.
Here's what's happening this week:
Your baby weighs 1 1/4 pounds and is a little more than 11 inches long, about the size of a small bag of sugar. In the last third of pregnancy, he'll double and triple his weight. Your dexterous baby can touch and hold his feet and make a fist. Your partner may be able to hear his heartbeat by pressing his ear against your belly. Your baby has a regular sleep schedule now and active and inactive periods. You may or may not be able to discern what those periods are. His nostrils, which have been plugged, open up.
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