Tuesday, December 8, 2009

16 months old, my little man...

I can't believe he's 16 months old. And counting! Here are some of his recent antics over the last month. I'm really glad I twitter, so that I can go back through my twitter feed to remember some of this! If you don't follow me on twitter, that's ok. My feed is protected, because there are a ton of spam bots out there. Ugh.

So I"m going to copy and paste some tweets, and might explain them :)

(Keep in mind, that over the last month Baxter has cut 2 molars and an eyetooth, and is working on a second eyetooth. UGH!!! We've also been battling the WORST diaper rash ever.)

Baxter, your stacking blocks are not shoes. But gosh you're cute. Even better when you woof at the same time.

Uhhh, Baxter figured out how to pull up the mattress of the pack n play. We may be in trouble. He can also open his door...

Baxter keeps turning on the tv to infomercials. Sorry Baxter, I'm not bald now but the way you're acting I may be by the end of the day.

I started singing to Baxter, and he coveted his ears and grimaced. There goes my confidence. Concert choir, you have failed me.

Overheard downstairs- Jason "you can't get milk from me, I don't have boobs!" in response to Baxter signing to nurse.

Baxters new favorite thing - when I "kick" him in the head. He picks up my feet and makes me do it. Boy has a long memory too! LOL

The noob kicked the doppler and startled Bax with the loud noise. The HB was 140, and the ultrasound is scheduled for my birthday!!!

Baxter, the kitty does not want your cherrios, no matter how enthusiastically you share them. Time to vacuum.

Nrbbgfhgfggfrtrffhjhgsf grglts Gdsfeyrcdcswcfehrgvr f dvzmgbh - love, Baxter

I will never understand my sons love of infomercials. He turns on the TV, and changes the channel until he finds one. Today it's "The Ninja"

Baxter is a noisy farter today. He let's one rip, looks over at me, & cracks up laughing. Such a boy! Oh wait, he probably got that from me.

Baxters new favorite toy - a bucket he wears on his head (but won't wear regular hats) http://twitpic.com/q15l1 and sometimes over his face.

Soooo tired. Already took two naps, and I'm ready for bed. Two nights on your own with a toddler as a pregnant mama is killer!

Baxter loves his yogurt sooo much, he has to have two spoons so he can eat it quicker. And we figured out the sleep issue, my lack of milk :( (this pregnancy has completely killed my milk supply)

Operation: give Bax a sippy at 4am instead of the boob - SUCCESS!

Reminded why I wait 20 min after Bax wakes up to change his diaper. He doesn't poo overnight, and that first one is just like clockwork.

Showed Bax a pic of a walrus, and told him the funny teeth were called tusks. He pointed at his teeth. I didn't know he knew that one!

Baxter faked sleep in the car, and J and I made fools of ourselves with silly noises to wake him up. He slyly opened an eye & giggled at us.

Jason felt the noob kick last night :) and I'm 17 weeks today! 2 weeks and 2 days until we find out of we have a little brother or sister.

Bax got too quiet. I walked over to Js desk to see what he was doing. Turned the chair, & he was waiting hands clasped like Dr. Evil, lol!!

Baxter is carefully putting pine needles back on the tree. Without touching the tree. Lol.

This might be Baxters last night nursing... Or one of them. He's more interested in his sippy. Cry! I don't want to be done yet! (He woke up at 10pm wanting to nurse, so I let him. That was the last time :( December 2nd, 16 months and 1 day.)

Making Turkey and Dumplings for my Turkey. Or is that my Dumpling? I think he swings both ways :) (In reference to Jason, but it cracked me up, so I included it)

I bought a laser pointer for the cats. Bax chases it just as much. He brings it to me so he can chase it, while the cats compete with him.

Baxter has a serious love affair with Thomas the Tank. He's my little train boy.

How do I convince my toddler NOT to share his lunch with the kitten?

Its cold and drafty when you shower with a peeping Tom of a toddler in the room.

Note to self. When dancing with a toddler, don't pick them up & spin with them then put them down. They will be dizzy, fall & cry, but fun!

Whenever Baxter sits on my lap, the baby goes nuts kicking him, lol! I hope this isn't the start of something permanent.

Can someone please tell Baxter that drinking the water condensation off the windows is gross? It's cold & coming faster than I can wipe up.

Ok, that catches you up on Baxter's funny antics through this morning. He's always doing something hilarious though, and leaving me in stitches. Like if I pat his belly after a diaper change he'll pat his belly, and then want me to do it to him again and again. And now when I bring out the camera, it's all "ohhhh!!!!" and running at me with open arms. He like to try to kiss the lens. He loves to show us his belly button and have us tickle it, and then tickle the rest of him. He patted my belly and said "baaa" which I'm not sure if it was supposed to be "ball" "baby" or "belly button". He's not really talking yet, but sometimes he'll repeat woof, duck, baaa and rawr. He repeats mama every time he hears it, but it's still not really connected to me. I'm thinking that when he starts talking it's just going to be in full sentences.

He's down to one nap a day, which he's usually pretty good about, but he's fighting today (ugh). It used to be that he would ONLY take a morning nap, and that if it was even 15 minutes late it would be super short and he would refuse an afternoon nap. He's more flexible now, and will take a morning OR an afternoon nap, but still only in his crib or in the car. However, if he sleeps in the car it's ALWAYS 1 hour and 5 minutes. Or less. Naps at home are at least 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Ok, I'm going to shower and hope he's sleeping when I'm done. :)

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