Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The new baby is a...


That's right, Baxter will have a little brother this coming spring. Two boys in two years. Lets hope that someday when I get pregnant with #3 that we have a girl to help level out the testosterone in the house :)


  1. Do you really have a testosterone problem with Jason?? LOL j/k! Congrats!!

  2. I know I texted you yesterday, but congradulations! Our 5(!) boys are going to have a time together (we really will have to start a yearly camping trip!), esp with Joel and Bax and our #3 and your #2 2.5-3 months apart. We'll have to teach Josiah to play nicely with them.
    Also, if you guys are like us... #3 will be a boy too! I saw someone's blog who has 4 boys I think, and she calls it "TestosterHome". For real. I'm already getting a taste of boyness that overwhelms me, esp. when Kit works late. I thank God for "Papa-Daddy wrestle time." They'd be WILD without it.
    Love you guys!!
