I uploaded them to YouTube (link at the top of the page), but here are some of them anyway :)
Thursday, April 30, 2009
For Better or Worse?
Well, Jason and I are feeling mostly better. Jason is back at school, so that's progress! He ended up missing friday and monday. Baxter is looking well during the day, and then still vomiting at night. My friend recommended giving him some probiotics and we're trying that. So far it delayed his nightly vomit from 8-9pm to when he woke up this morning. At least that's some progress, right? We're still doing laundry.
Here's my little sock stealer in action:

He's walking better and better. Last night we drove out to Birch Bay to visit Jason's uncles Dick and Ben. We had a great time, and Baxter showed off his walking skills quite a bit. It was so nice to spend time with family. We hadn't seen Uncle Ben in ages!
As far as the happy times of Baxter's day, he's quite an amusing little boy. He makes kissy noises now, and he says mama and dada and baba all the time. Not necessarily to the right person, but at least its progress in the right direction! I have videos which I should upload, but this nap is coming to an end soon.
Funny story time! Baxter likes getting into the bathroom cabinets. The other day he pulled out my tub of velcro hair rollers. They stuck to his wool pants, and I just about died laughing. He thought I was weird.

And to end this super fragmented post, here's a picture of us :)
Here's my little sock stealer in action:

He's walking better and better. Last night we drove out to Birch Bay to visit Jason's uncles Dick and Ben. We had a great time, and Baxter showed off his walking skills quite a bit. It was so nice to spend time with family. We hadn't seen Uncle Ben in ages!
As far as the happy times of Baxter's day, he's quite an amusing little boy. He makes kissy noises now, and he says mama and dada and baba all the time. Not necessarily to the right person, but at least its progress in the right direction! I have videos which I should upload, but this nap is coming to an end soon.
Funny story time! Baxter likes getting into the bathroom cabinets. The other day he pulled out my tub of velcro hair rollers. They stuck to his wool pants, and I just about died laughing. He thought I was weird.

And to end this super fragmented post, here's a picture of us :)

Sunday, April 26, 2009
Sick, sick, sick
Baxters croup is getting better, but then he developed a projectile vomiting/massive dirrhea tummy bug. Guess what he passed on? So I was in bed all day yesterday, and now it's Jason's turn. Baxter is still vomiting, and he's on a nursing strike. So I keep having to pump to prevent mastitis, and I think he's getting dehydrated.
I keep think back to when we used to play Oregon Trail on our 486, on floppy disks.
"Your family has died of dysentary. You lose."
I'm currently in search of someone local to go buy some immodium for us. Oh the joys... My step dad offered to drive the 2 hours, but that seems like a big waste of gas. There are times when having family close by would be amazing. Even more so if Bax would take a bottle.
At least he seems happy when he's not needing to sleep. I'm camped out on the futon in his room while he plays. Trying to gather the energy for another diaper change. Not that he's peeing much anyway :(
So if you have a moment, pray for our family. I know we will survive, but I'm not looking forward to the laundry involved... :)
I keep think back to when we used to play Oregon Trail on our 486, on floppy disks.
"Your family has died of dysentary. You lose."
I'm currently in search of someone local to go buy some immodium for us. Oh the joys... My step dad offered to drive the 2 hours, but that seems like a big waste of gas. There are times when having family close by would be amazing. Even more so if Bax would take a bottle.
At least he seems happy when he's not needing to sleep. I'm camped out on the futon in his room while he plays. Trying to gather the energy for another diaper change. Not that he's peeing much anyway :(
So if you have a moment, pray for our family. I know we will survive, but I'm not looking forward to the laundry involved... :)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Baxter has croup. It kept him up all night last night, so we went to the doctors today. He sounds like a barking seal. I did get some current stats on him though. He's 28.5 inches long, and 21 lbs, 13 oz. So tonight we have the humidifier set up, and the heat will be on high.
Baxter also sampled cantaloupe today, but was not impressed. He liked chicken the other night though, so we'll have that for dinner.
Baxter is a walking machine this afternoon too. They grow up sooo fast!
Baxter also sampled cantaloupe today, but was not impressed. He liked chicken the other night though, so we'll have that for dinner.
Baxter is a walking machine this afternoon too. They grow up sooo fast!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Nifty New Noises
Baxter loves to make noise. Every friday at GBC (Getting Behind Cloth, the cloth diapering playgroup) he learns something new. Some new grunt, or squeak or growl, you never know. On friday he was laying on the floor, staring at the ceiling. We all were laughing, then realized he was watching everyone in the overhead mirror used for cooking demonstrations.
The boy is so smart. Today he was playing a game where he would put the remote control somewhere, take it down, and then put it somewhere else. I couldn't find it for hours today. He's taken to opening the drawers on the cabinet and putting things inside. We found the remote, Jason's rubix cube, his cell phone, and another toy in one. He also likes dropping items over baby gates. I'll give him a stack of toys and he'll get angry because he can no longer reach them because they're all on the other side of the gate!
We've had a good week so far. On Monday (I think this is going to be our routine) after he had his first nap we went to story time at the library. I'm not sure if he really enjoyed it, but he seemed to. Mostly it gives me new songs to sing him. After that we went to the April-October produce market. Love that place!

I spent under $7 and got 3 onions, 3 tomatoes, a head a lettuce, 2 pears, a cantaloupe, and 6 lemons. I'm drinking freshly squeezed lemonaide right now, are you jealous? I'm making an attempt to have dinner ready every night by 5 so Baxter can eat with us. That means I need a snack in the evening, but that's ok :) Us breastfeeding mamas burn up a lot of calories!
Oh, and I finally uploaded a ton of photos to flickr! Enjoy!
The boy is so smart. Today he was playing a game where he would put the remote control somewhere, take it down, and then put it somewhere else. I couldn't find it for hours today. He's taken to opening the drawers on the cabinet and putting things inside. We found the remote, Jason's rubix cube, his cell phone, and another toy in one. He also likes dropping items over baby gates. I'll give him a stack of toys and he'll get angry because he can no longer reach them because they're all on the other side of the gate!
We've had a good week so far. On Monday (I think this is going to be our routine) after he had his first nap we went to story time at the library. I'm not sure if he really enjoyed it, but he seemed to. Mostly it gives me new songs to sing him. After that we went to the April-October produce market. Love that place!

I spent under $7 and got 3 onions, 3 tomatoes, a head a lettuce, 2 pears, a cantaloupe, and 6 lemons. I'm drinking freshly squeezed lemonaide right now, are you jealous? I'm making an attempt to have dinner ready every night by 5 so Baxter can eat with us. That means I need a snack in the evening, but that's ok :) Us breastfeeding mamas burn up a lot of calories!
Oh, and I finally uploaded a ton of photos to flickr! Enjoy!
Saturday, April 18, 2009

Baxter regularly takes 2-3 steps, and has taken up to 5 (although Kit who also witnessed it says 6). He's still pulling to stand, but about half the time when you go to set him down he only wants to be put on his feet, not sitting. He can stand pretty well unsupported, but not for longer than about 30 seconds. It's crazy how fast they grow though! I did not expect him to be walking before 9 months. I was trying to deny it before but the last couple days it's been really evident that this is a growing trend.
I'm having problems uploading pictures to flickr today for some reason, but I have some other fun pictures to post. Yesterday we took a spur of the moment trip to Oak Harbor to visit our good friends Kit and Christine and their two little boys. We had a great time, and every time we see them we say we should see them more often... And we really should! The boys had a great time playing together, and were nice the whole time. Baxter loves being around other kids, especially mobile ones. At playgroup he hangs out with the "older" kids (they're all under 3, but he hangs out with the mobile babies) instead of the ones closer to his own age.
I probably have more to post, but I'm not feeling the greatest and I have more to do. Ta ta!
Friday, April 10, 2009
I can see clearly now

Look how long his eyelashes are! I've taken so many photos today, and I'm loving it. My new camera just came in last night, so I've spent the day today taking pictures of Bax and the other babies in our cloth diapering playgroup.
Have I written about the playgroup before? I don't think so. My friend Miranda and I founded a cloth diapering playgroup for local moms. We share information, tips, and ideas, and our kids have a great time playing with each other. We do it every friday from 10am-noon. So much fun!
But here are a few more cute pictures of Baxter, enjoy!

cloth diapers,

Monday, April 6, 2009
Baxter's second top tooth came through this morning and I have the fussy baby to prove it.

Saturday, April 4, 2009
"Then thou shalt count to three, no more, no less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither thou count two, excepting that then thou proceed to three. Five is right out."
Name the movie and I'll give you a gold star! ;)
But what's so important about three? That's the number of teeth Baxter now has. After weeks of being just under the surface, his top left tooth is now through the gums. Yay! Of course that means he'll be fussy next week, but I can handle that.
Right now I'm sitting on the guest bed with a sleeping boy. There's no crib for him here today, so naps are being supervised. Hence blogging on my phone!
We're having a great visit with great grandma today. So far Seattle has gone well and Baxter even slept pretty well last night. I'm hoping for a repeat performance tonight :)
I ordered our new camera this week!!! It should be here Thursday, so be prepared for lots of new photos!
Ok, phone blogging is hard, but that's the scoop!
Name the movie and I'll give you a gold star! ;)
But what's so important about three? That's the number of teeth Baxter now has. After weeks of being just under the surface, his top left tooth is now through the gums. Yay! Of course that means he'll be fussy next week, but I can handle that.
Right now I'm sitting on the guest bed with a sleeping boy. There's no crib for him here today, so naps are being supervised. Hence blogging on my phone!
We're having a great visit with great grandma today. So far Seattle has gone well and Baxter even slept pretty well last night. I'm hoping for a repeat performance tonight :)
I ordered our new camera this week!!! It should be here Thursday, so be prepared for lots of new photos!
Ok, phone blogging is hard, but that's the scoop!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
growing up
I'm writing this from my phone, so please excuse any errors. On Tuesday Bax decided he could walk. He pulled to standing and then took two steps before falling on his bum. He's really good at walking while holding hands (great with two, and fine with one!) but he's just now turning 8 months old... I'm so not ready for him to walk.
Right now I'm holding him as he sleeps and lets out huge man farts. He still hasn't broken his top teeth, I think they will remain in his gums forever. We may have a two year old with dentures like two of his grandpas....
So far my store opening has gone really well!! I sold 5 diapers yesterday, which is virtually unheard of for a new WAHM.
Oh!!! And I ordered my camera last night, I'm so excited for it to get here!
Right now I'm holding him as he sleeps and lets out huge man farts. He still hasn't broken his top teeth, I think they will remain in his gums forever. We may have a two year old with dentures like two of his grandpas....
So far my store opening has gone really well!! I sold 5 diapers yesterday, which is virtually unheard of for a new WAHM.
Oh!!! And I ordered my camera last night, I'm so excited for it to get here!
cloth diapers,
Dilley Dally Diapers,

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