The boy is so smart. Today he was playing a game where he would put the remote control somewhere, take it down, and then put it somewhere else. I couldn't find it for hours today. He's taken to opening the drawers on the cabinet and putting things inside. We found the remote, Jason's rubix cube, his cell phone, and another toy in one. He also likes dropping items over baby gates. I'll give him a stack of toys and he'll get angry because he can no longer reach them because they're all on the other side of the gate!
We've had a good week so far. On Monday (I think this is going to be our routine) after he had his first nap we went to story time at the library. I'm not sure if he really enjoyed it, but he seemed to. Mostly it gives me new songs to sing him. After that we went to the April-October produce market. Love that place!

I spent under $7 and got 3 onions, 3 tomatoes, a head a lettuce, 2 pears, a cantaloupe, and 6 lemons. I'm drinking freshly squeezed lemonaide right now, are you jealous? I'm making an attempt to have dinner ready every night by 5 so Baxter can eat with us. That means I need a snack in the evening, but that's ok :) Us breastfeeding mamas burn up a lot of calories!
Oh, and I finally uploaded a ton of photos to flickr! Enjoy!
such a smart little boy! i still can't imagine Evie getting around that much.