Baxter regularly takes 2-3 steps, and has taken up to 5 (although Kit who also witnessed it says 6). He's still pulling to stand, but about half the time when you go to set him down he only wants to be put on his feet, not sitting. He can stand pretty well unsupported, but not for longer than about 30 seconds. It's crazy how fast they grow though! I did not expect him to be walking before 9 months. I was trying to deny it before but the last couple days it's been really evident that this is a growing trend.
I'm having problems uploading pictures to flickr today for some reason, but I have some other fun pictures to post. Yesterday we took a spur of the moment trip to Oak Harbor to visit our good friends Kit and Christine and their two little boys. We had a great time, and every time we see them we say we should see them more often... And we really should! The boys had a great time playing together, and were nice the whole time. Baxter loves being around other kids, especially mobile ones. At playgroup he hangs out with the "older" kids (they're all under 3, but he hangs out with the mobile babies) instead of the ones closer to his own age.
I probably have more to post, but I'm not feeling the greatest and I have more to do. Ta ta!
omg, he is SO cute. they grow up so fast, huh.