Saturday, April 4, 2009


"Then thou shalt count to three, no more, no less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither thou count two, excepting that then thou proceed to three. Five is right out."

Name the movie and I'll give you a gold star! ;)

But what's so important about three? That's the number of teeth Baxter now has. After weeks of being just under the surface, his top left tooth is now through the gums. Yay! Of course that means he'll be fussy next week, but I can handle that.

Right now I'm sitting on the guest bed with a sleeping boy. There's no crib for him here today, so naps are being supervised. Hence blogging on my phone!

We're having a great visit with great grandma today. So far Seattle has gone well and Baxter even slept pretty well last night. I'm hoping for a repeat performance tonight :)

I ordered our new camera this week!!! It should be here Thursday, so be prepared for lots of new photos!

Ok, phone blogging is hard, but that's the scoop!


  1. is that from monty python and the holy grail? it's been a really long time since i've indulged in monty python....

  2. I was thinking monty python and the holy grail too!


  3. Two gold stars! It was from the Holy Hand Grenade scene of Holy Grail. One of my all time favorite movies :)

  4. No wonder he was gnawing on your hand at Ikea... poor guy is one teethin' machine!
