Thursday, April 30, 2009

For Better or Worse?

Well, Jason and I are feeling mostly better. Jason is back at school, so that's progress! He ended up missing friday and monday. Baxter is looking well during the day, and then still vomiting at night. My friend recommended giving him some probiotics and we're trying that. So far it delayed his nightly vomit from 8-9pm to when he woke up this morning. At least that's some progress, right? We're still doing laundry.

Here's my little sock stealer in action:

He's walking better and better. Last night we drove out to Birch Bay to visit Jason's uncles Dick and Ben. We had a great time, and Baxter showed off his walking skills quite a bit. It was so nice to spend time with family. We hadn't seen Uncle Ben in ages!

As far as the happy times of Baxter's day, he's quite an amusing little boy. He makes kissy noises now, and he says mama and dada and baba all the time. Not necessarily to the right person, but at least its progress in the right direction! I have videos which I should upload, but this nap is coming to an end soon.

Funny story time! Baxter likes getting into the bathroom cabinets. The other day he pulled out my tub of velcro hair rollers. They stuck to his wool pants, and I just about died laughing. He thought I was weird.

And to end this super fragmented post, here's a picture of us :)


  1. LOVE the velcro rollers! super cute family pic too. :) glad you are feeling (somewhat) better.

  2. Ha ha those rollers all over his pants (bum) is freaking hilarious! I'm sure this won't be the first "mom, you're weird" expression you see. :)
