Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sick, sick, sick

Baxters croup is getting better, but then he developed a projectile vomiting/massive dirrhea tummy bug. Guess what he passed on? So I was in bed all day yesterday, and now it's Jason's turn. Baxter is still vomiting, and he's on a nursing strike. So I keep having to pump to prevent mastitis, and I think he's getting dehydrated.

I keep think back to when we used to play Oregon Trail on our 486, on floppy disks.

"Your family has died of dysentary. You lose."

I'm currently in search of someone local to go buy some immodium for us. Oh the joys... My step dad offered to drive the 2 hours, but that seems like a big waste of gas. There are times when having family close by would be amazing. Even more so if Bax would take a bottle.

At least he seems happy when he's not needing to sleep. I'm camped out on the futon in his room while he plays. Trying to gather the energy for another diaper change. Not that he's peeing much anyway :(

So if you have a moment, pray for our family. I know we will survive, but I'm not looking forward to the laundry involved... :)


  1. (((hugs))) 'tis the season, i think. it just started over here too. -hoping for a speedy recovery for everybody!

  2. *HUGS* I hope you all feel better soon!!
