That's right, Baxter will have a little brother this coming spring. Two boys in two years. Lets hope that someday when I get pregnant with #3 that we have a girl to help level out the testosterone in the house :)
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
16 months old, my little man...
I can't believe he's 16 months old. And counting! Here are some of his recent antics over the last month. I'm really glad I twitter, so that I can go back through my twitter feed to remember some of this! If you don't follow me on twitter, that's ok. My feed is protected, because there are a ton of spam bots out there. Ugh.
So I"m going to copy and paste some tweets, and might explain them :)
(Keep in mind, that over the last month Baxter has cut 2 molars and an eyetooth, and is working on a second eyetooth. UGH!!! We've also been battling the WORST diaper rash ever.)
Baxter, your stacking blocks are not shoes. But gosh you're cute. Even better when you woof at the same time.
Uhhh, Baxter figured out how to pull up the mattress of the pack n play. We may be in trouble. He can also open his door...
Baxter keeps turning on the tv to infomercials. Sorry Baxter, I'm not bald now but the way you're acting I may be by the end of the day.
I started singing to Baxter, and he coveted his ears and grimaced. There goes my confidence. Concert choir, you have failed me.
Overheard downstairs- Jason "you can't get milk from me, I don't have boobs!" in response to Baxter signing to nurse.
Baxters new favorite thing - when I "kick" him in the head. He picks up my feet and makes me do it. Boy has a long memory too! LOL
The noob kicked the doppler and startled Bax with the loud noise. The HB was 140, and the ultrasound is scheduled for my birthday!!!
Baxter, the kitty does not want your cherrios, no matter how enthusiastically you share them. Time to vacuum.
Nrbbgfhgfggfrtrffhjhgsf grglts Gdsfeyrcdcswcfehrgvr f dvzmgbh - love, Baxter
I will never understand my sons love of infomercials. He turns on the TV, and changes the channel until he finds one. Today it's "The Ninja"
Baxter is a noisy farter today. He let's one rip, looks over at me, & cracks up laughing. Such a boy! Oh wait, he probably got that from me.
Baxters new favorite toy - a bucket he wears on his head (but won't wear regular hats) and sometimes over his face.
Soooo tired. Already took two naps, and I'm ready for bed. Two nights on your own with a toddler as a pregnant mama is killer!
Baxter loves his yogurt sooo much, he has to have two spoons so he can eat it quicker. And we figured out the sleep issue, my lack of milk :( (this pregnancy has completely killed my milk supply)
Operation: give Bax a sippy at 4am instead of the boob - SUCCESS!
Reminded why I wait 20 min after Bax wakes up to change his diaper. He doesn't poo overnight, and that first one is just like clockwork.
Showed Bax a pic of a walrus, and told him the funny teeth were called tusks. He pointed at his teeth. I didn't know he knew that one!
Baxter faked sleep in the car, and J and I made fools of ourselves with silly noises to wake him up. He slyly opened an eye & giggled at us.
Jason felt the noob kick last night :) and I'm 17 weeks today! 2 weeks and 2 days until we find out of we have a little brother or sister.
Bax got too quiet. I walked over to Js desk to see what he was doing. Turned the chair, & he was waiting hands clasped like Dr. Evil, lol!!
Baxter is carefully putting pine needles back on the tree. Without touching the tree. Lol.
This might be Baxters last night nursing... Or one of them. He's more interested in his sippy. Cry! I don't want to be done yet! (He woke up at 10pm wanting to nurse, so I let him. That was the last time :( December 2nd, 16 months and 1 day.)
Making Turkey and Dumplings for my Turkey. Or is that my Dumpling? I think he swings both ways :) (In reference to Jason, but it cracked me up, so I included it)
I bought a laser pointer for the cats. Bax chases it just as much. He brings it to me so he can chase it, while the cats compete with him.
Baxter has a serious love affair with Thomas the Tank. He's my little train boy.
How do I convince my toddler NOT to share his lunch with the kitten?
Its cold and drafty when you shower with a peeping Tom of a toddler in the room.
Note to self. When dancing with a toddler, don't pick them up & spin with them then put them down. They will be dizzy, fall & cry, but fun!
Whenever Baxter sits on my lap, the baby goes nuts kicking him, lol! I hope this isn't the start of something permanent.
Can someone please tell Baxter that drinking the water condensation off the windows is gross? It's cold & coming faster than I can wipe up.
Ok, that catches you up on Baxter's funny antics through this morning. He's always doing something hilarious though, and leaving me in stitches. Like if I pat his belly after a diaper change he'll pat his belly, and then want me to do it to him again and again. And now when I bring out the camera, it's all "ohhhh!!!!" and running at me with open arms. He like to try to kiss the lens. He loves to show us his belly button and have us tickle it, and then tickle the rest of him. He patted my belly and said "baaa" which I'm not sure if it was supposed to be "ball" "baby" or "belly button". He's not really talking yet, but sometimes he'll repeat woof, duck, baaa and rawr. He repeats mama every time he hears it, but it's still not really connected to me. I'm thinking that when he starts talking it's just going to be in full sentences.
He's down to one nap a day, which he's usually pretty good about, but he's fighting today (ugh). It used to be that he would ONLY take a morning nap, and that if it was even 15 minutes late it would be super short and he would refuse an afternoon nap. He's more flexible now, and will take a morning OR an afternoon nap, but still only in his crib or in the car. However, if he sleeps in the car it's ALWAYS 1 hour and 5 minutes. Or less. Naps at home are at least 1 hour and 15 minutes.
Ok, I'm going to shower and hope he's sleeping when I'm done. :)
So I"m going to copy and paste some tweets, and might explain them :)
(Keep in mind, that over the last month Baxter has cut 2 molars and an eyetooth, and is working on a second eyetooth. UGH!!! We've also been battling the WORST diaper rash ever.)
Baxter, your stacking blocks are not shoes. But gosh you're cute. Even better when you woof at the same time.
Uhhh, Baxter figured out how to pull up the mattress of the pack n play. We may be in trouble. He can also open his door...
Baxter keeps turning on the tv to infomercials. Sorry Baxter, I'm not bald now but the way you're acting I may be by the end of the day.
I started singing to Baxter, and he coveted his ears and grimaced. There goes my confidence. Concert choir, you have failed me.
Overheard downstairs- Jason "you can't get milk from me, I don't have boobs!" in response to Baxter signing to nurse.
Baxters new favorite thing - when I "kick" him in the head. He picks up my feet and makes me do it. Boy has a long memory too! LOL
The noob kicked the doppler and startled Bax with the loud noise. The HB was 140, and the ultrasound is scheduled for my birthday!!!
Baxter, the kitty does not want your cherrios, no matter how enthusiastically you share them. Time to vacuum.
Nrbbgfhgfggfrtrffhjhgsf grglts Gdsfeyrcdcswcfehrgvr f dvzmgbh - love, Baxter
I will never understand my sons love of infomercials. He turns on the TV, and changes the channel until he finds one. Today it's "The Ninja"
Baxter is a noisy farter today. He let's one rip, looks over at me, & cracks up laughing. Such a boy! Oh wait, he probably got that from me.
Baxters new favorite toy - a bucket he wears on his head (but won't wear regular hats) and sometimes over his face.
Soooo tired. Already took two naps, and I'm ready for bed. Two nights on your own with a toddler as a pregnant mama is killer!
Baxter loves his yogurt sooo much, he has to have two spoons so he can eat it quicker. And we figured out the sleep issue, my lack of milk :( (this pregnancy has completely killed my milk supply)
Operation: give Bax a sippy at 4am instead of the boob - SUCCESS!
Reminded why I wait 20 min after Bax wakes up to change his diaper. He doesn't poo overnight, and that first one is just like clockwork.
Showed Bax a pic of a walrus, and told him the funny teeth were called tusks. He pointed at his teeth. I didn't know he knew that one!
Baxter faked sleep in the car, and J and I made fools of ourselves with silly noises to wake him up. He slyly opened an eye & giggled at us.
Jason felt the noob kick last night :) and I'm 17 weeks today! 2 weeks and 2 days until we find out of we have a little brother or sister.
Bax got too quiet. I walked over to Js desk to see what he was doing. Turned the chair, & he was waiting hands clasped like Dr. Evil, lol!!
Baxter is carefully putting pine needles back on the tree. Without touching the tree. Lol.
This might be Baxters last night nursing... Or one of them. He's more interested in his sippy. Cry! I don't want to be done yet! (He woke up at 10pm wanting to nurse, so I let him. That was the last time :( December 2nd, 16 months and 1 day.)
Making Turkey and Dumplings for my Turkey. Or is that my Dumpling? I think he swings both ways :) (In reference to Jason, but it cracked me up, so I included it)
I bought a laser pointer for the cats. Bax chases it just as much. He brings it to me so he can chase it, while the cats compete with him.
Baxter has a serious love affair with Thomas the Tank. He's my little train boy.
How do I convince my toddler NOT to share his lunch with the kitten?
Its cold and drafty when you shower with a peeping Tom of a toddler in the room.
Note to self. When dancing with a toddler, don't pick them up & spin with them then put them down. They will be dizzy, fall & cry, but fun!
Whenever Baxter sits on my lap, the baby goes nuts kicking him, lol! I hope this isn't the start of something permanent.
Can someone please tell Baxter that drinking the water condensation off the windows is gross? It's cold & coming faster than I can wipe up.
Ok, that catches you up on Baxter's funny antics through this morning. He's always doing something hilarious though, and leaving me in stitches. Like if I pat his belly after a diaper change he'll pat his belly, and then want me to do it to him again and again. And now when I bring out the camera, it's all "ohhhh!!!!" and running at me with open arms. He like to try to kiss the lens. He loves to show us his belly button and have us tickle it, and then tickle the rest of him. He patted my belly and said "baaa" which I'm not sure if it was supposed to be "ball" "baby" or "belly button". He's not really talking yet, but sometimes he'll repeat woof, duck, baaa and rawr. He repeats mama every time he hears it, but it's still not really connected to me. I'm thinking that when he starts talking it's just going to be in full sentences.
He's down to one nap a day, which he's usually pretty good about, but he's fighting today (ugh). It used to be that he would ONLY take a morning nap, and that if it was even 15 minutes late it would be super short and he would refuse an afternoon nap. He's more flexible now, and will take a morning OR an afternoon nap, but still only in his crib or in the car. However, if he sleeps in the car it's ALWAYS 1 hour and 5 minutes. Or less. Naps at home are at least 1 hour and 15 minutes.
Ok, I'm going to shower and hope he's sleeping when I'm done. :)
Monday, December 7, 2009
Catch up
Ok, I have 20 minutes, so lets see how much I can catch up on? Warning, long post and LOTS of photos :) As always, more photos on my flickr page!
Ok, first up, the halloween photos:

In October, we also had professional family photos taken with the whole Spears/Dilley/Irvine/Schwarz clan. Fred Calma did them, and they turned out GREAT! Here are a few of my favorites of the day :) And yes, Baxter had a HUGE cat scratch on his face thanks to Stanley, the new cat at my mom's house. I. do. not. like. that. cat.

The first week of November, my good friend Beth and her husband Mike and daughter Leah came to visit. I met Beth through an email loop of women who were all due the same day. Leah was a few days early, and Bax was 9 days late, so they're about 2 weeks apart in age. The Hammers live in Illinois, and we had a GREAT time with them. We went downtown, along the waterfront, where the kids chased seagulls.

We went to the Public Market (gratuitous produce shot)

where Leah LOVED the piggy bank, but wasn't impressed by the flying fish.

Baxter was a ham in the car ride home.

The next day we went to the Children's museum downtown and met up with a bunch of other women from our online group. The kids had a TON of fun, and the 6 moms all helped watch the 6 little ones. Baxter ran around the entire time, shrieking in delight. We might have to get a yearly pass. We will most certainly be going back! This is through a fish tank :)

We then went back to Bellingham and just had a fun relaxing time. Beth is also pregnant, and was sadly suffering from severe morning sickness, but we had fun anyway :) Picking them up and dropping them off were my first two weekends in November.
The third weekend, the Thursday before I had a workshop to go to, where I learned how to pose and photograph newborns. That was soooo much fun. I don't have any of those photos uploaded to flickr, but you can view them here. April and Richard watched Baxter, and then I spent a few days in Seattle "recovering."
The next weekend was Thanksgiving. My mom and Richard were in California, so we housesat for them and spent a lot of time with Jason's family. We shopped early on Black friday and got a ton of deals. But due to a death in the family, John, Jessica and JoAnne didn't get home until Thursday afternoon, so we didn't have a turkey dinner. We had a fun time, but I missed the turkey...
So when we got home, I bought a turkey and made a Thanksgiving dinner for just the 3 of us! Boy, does Baxter LOVE cranberry relish... And also turkey.
I know you probably want to know more about how Baxter is doing, but that's another post. We put up our Christmas tree, and have been teaching him the "one finger rule" where he can touch it, but with only one finger. So far it's been working pretty well, and the kitten has been worse to the tree than he has.
I'll share a few more photos, then I've got to go. I have 2 minutes. This one, I was trying to get Baxter to smile for the camera, and I made the dolphin noise. So he grabs his animal book, finds the dolphin picture and points to it. Tooooo cute! He's so smart :)

Here's Baxter's first look at the tree and his reaction, and also demonstrating the one finger rule (on his favorite ornament, the Oscar Meyer weinermobile):

And finally, here's my baby bump at 18 weeks :)

Phew, did you get all that? I'm not proofreading, I"m a minute late. Enjoy!!!
Ok, first up, the halloween photos:

In October, we also had professional family photos taken with the whole Spears/Dilley/Irvine/Schwarz clan. Fred Calma did them, and they turned out GREAT! Here are a few of my favorites of the day :) And yes, Baxter had a HUGE cat scratch on his face thanks to Stanley, the new cat at my mom's house. I. do. not. like. that. cat.

The first week of November, my good friend Beth and her husband Mike and daughter Leah came to visit. I met Beth through an email loop of women who were all due the same day. Leah was a few days early, and Bax was 9 days late, so they're about 2 weeks apart in age. The Hammers live in Illinois, and we had a GREAT time with them. We went downtown, along the waterfront, where the kids chased seagulls.

We went to the Public Market (gratuitous produce shot)

where Leah LOVED the piggy bank, but wasn't impressed by the flying fish.

Baxter was a ham in the car ride home.

The next day we went to the Children's museum downtown and met up with a bunch of other women from our online group. The kids had a TON of fun, and the 6 moms all helped watch the 6 little ones. Baxter ran around the entire time, shrieking in delight. We might have to get a yearly pass. We will most certainly be going back! This is through a fish tank :)

We then went back to Bellingham and just had a fun relaxing time. Beth is also pregnant, and was sadly suffering from severe morning sickness, but we had fun anyway :) Picking them up and dropping them off were my first two weekends in November.
The third weekend, the Thursday before I had a workshop to go to, where I learned how to pose and photograph newborns. That was soooo much fun. I don't have any of those photos uploaded to flickr, but you can view them here. April and Richard watched Baxter, and then I spent a few days in Seattle "recovering."
The next weekend was Thanksgiving. My mom and Richard were in California, so we housesat for them and spent a lot of time with Jason's family. We shopped early on Black friday and got a ton of deals. But due to a death in the family, John, Jessica and JoAnne didn't get home until Thursday afternoon, so we didn't have a turkey dinner. We had a fun time, but I missed the turkey...
So when we got home, I bought a turkey and made a Thanksgiving dinner for just the 3 of us! Boy, does Baxter LOVE cranberry relish... And also turkey.
I know you probably want to know more about how Baxter is doing, but that's another post. We put up our Christmas tree, and have been teaching him the "one finger rule" where he can touch it, but with only one finger. So far it's been working pretty well, and the kitten has been worse to the tree than he has.
I'll share a few more photos, then I've got to go. I have 2 minutes. This one, I was trying to get Baxter to smile for the camera, and I made the dolphin noise. So he grabs his animal book, finds the dolphin picture and points to it. Tooooo cute! He's so smart :)

Here's Baxter's first look at the tree and his reaction, and also demonstrating the one finger rule (on his favorite ornament, the Oscar Meyer weinermobile):

And finally, here's my baby bump at 18 weeks :)

Phew, did you get all that? I'm not proofreading, I"m a minute late. Enjoy!!!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
I"m terrible!
I know, It's been over a month. I'm now 18 weeks pregnant, and we find out a week from Tuesday (on my birthday!) if we're having another boy or having a girl. Care to take a guess? I know what I think :)
November was extremely busy. I was in Seattle every weekend for at least 3 days. It was exhausting. But good! Ok, I have other stuff to do, just know I'm still alive...
November was extremely busy. I was in Seattle every weekend for at least 3 days. It was exhausting. But good! Ok, I have other stuff to do, just know I'm still alive...
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Things that go bump
I'm definitely showing. I look pregnant. I need to take a picture of this bump.
Speaking of bumps, this kid is moving a storm! I felt Bax between 13-14 weeks, and this one I've felt a few times starting at 8 weeks (which no one believes) but I'm starting to feel it daily now at 13 weeks.
I have halloween pictures, but I need to upload them to Flickr, which I'm about to go do, so I'll post on that soon :)
Oh, and Bax had his 15 month appointment. He's almost 33 inches tall! I'm not 100% sure on his weight, but he's barely over 26lbs clothed. Hehe.
Speaking of bumps, this kid is moving a storm! I felt Bax between 13-14 weeks, and this one I've felt a few times starting at 8 weeks (which no one believes) but I'm starting to feel it daily now at 13 weeks.
I have halloween pictures, but I need to upload them to Flickr, which I'm about to go do, so I'll post on that soon :)
Oh, and Bax had his 15 month appointment. He's almost 33 inches tall! I'm not 100% sure on his weight, but he's barely over 26lbs clothed. Hehe.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sorry I haven't blogged much lately. At the beginning of September when we found out we were pregnant, I wasn't ready to share yet. So I had to be guarded in what I posted. And then I sort of fell out of the habit.
Morning sickness hasn't been too bad on the puking front. I can count on one hand how many times I've vomited, so that's somewhat encouraging. Although the food aversions have been much worse this time. Like I can't eat anything. Or what I can eat changes on a day to day basis. As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I gained 5lbs. Mostly water weight. On the cruise I gained a few more, but the massage I had released a bunch of the water, so I was up all night going to the bathroom. Oops! As of today, I've gained 2lbs total from my pre-pregnancy weight. Not too bad for 12 weeks and 1 day! With Baxter I lost a lot of weight the first trimester, and didn't start gaining for a long time. I didn't have the nausea as much with him though, I just didn't want to eat. Now I HAVE to eat. Maybe because I'm still breastfeeding Baxter? Dunno.
Bax is down to nursing 3-4 times a day, and one nap a day. That's been an adjustment. And my great sleeper has turned into a molar bear. He's getting two molars and two canines right now, and that makes a VERY grumpy baby. Ugh.
I'm defiantly looking pregnant now. Looking at me now, I look like I did at 17 weeks with Bax. We had family pictures taken with Fred Calma Photography yesterday, and I can't wait to see them. We had my mom, Richard (stepdad), me, Jason, Baxter, Brent (my brother), April (stepsister), Aaron (April's husband), Riley (April and Aarons almost 8 month old), Andrew (stepbrother) and Tony (stepbrother). It went pretty well other than Baxter being fussy, and having a lovely run in with a cat that morning...
More on that later, it's Jason's and my date night :)
Morning sickness hasn't been too bad on the puking front. I can count on one hand how many times I've vomited, so that's somewhat encouraging. Although the food aversions have been much worse this time. Like I can't eat anything. Or what I can eat changes on a day to day basis. As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I gained 5lbs. Mostly water weight. On the cruise I gained a few more, but the massage I had released a bunch of the water, so I was up all night going to the bathroom. Oops! As of today, I've gained 2lbs total from my pre-pregnancy weight. Not too bad for 12 weeks and 1 day! With Baxter I lost a lot of weight the first trimester, and didn't start gaining for a long time. I didn't have the nausea as much with him though, I just didn't want to eat. Now I HAVE to eat. Maybe because I'm still breastfeeding Baxter? Dunno.
Bax is down to nursing 3-4 times a day, and one nap a day. That's been an adjustment. And my great sleeper has turned into a molar bear. He's getting two molars and two canines right now, and that makes a VERY grumpy baby. Ugh.
I'm defiantly looking pregnant now. Looking at me now, I look like I did at 17 weeks with Bax. We had family pictures taken with Fred Calma Photography yesterday, and I can't wait to see them. We had my mom, Richard (stepdad), me, Jason, Baxter, Brent (my brother), April (stepsister), Aaron (April's husband), Riley (April and Aarons almost 8 month old), Andrew (stepbrother) and Tony (stepbrother). It went pretty well other than Baxter being fussy, and having a lovely run in with a cat that morning...
More on that later, it's Jason's and my date night :)

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Baxter is going to be....
.....15 months in 15 days
......a handsom man when he grows up
......devastatingly charming
......a cat whisperer
......not talking until he's 3
......a professional climber
......a big brother next May
......a handsom man when he grows up
......devastatingly charming
......a cat whisperer
......not talking until he's 3
......a professional climber
......a big brother next May

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The end and the beginning.

It's taken me a while to write this, because it took me a while to process it. After 10 days on antibiotics, Aiko did not improve, and his nose began to drip on one side. I took him to the vet on Monday, October 5th. In the 11 days between vet visits, Aiko had developed a large mass in his intestines. Because of the unilateral discharge from his nose, the vet suspected a secondary tumor in his nasal cavity. We could have done painful steroid shots that might reduce or at least slow the growth of the tumors, but his quality of life had declined so much that we didn't want to put him through that. It would give him at most 2-3 months before he would be gone, based on how quickly the tumor was growing.

He was always such a beautiful cat, full of life. As a siamese he was very smart, and would talk to us. If we left for the weekend, when we got home he would corner us and meow and tell us all about while we were gone. You could ask him questions and he would respond. My mom never believed me until he stayed with her for 3 weeks while we went on our road trip. The next time she came to visit, he remembered her and talked and talked and talked to her, like he was catching up with an old friend.

He was a great older brother to Tabetha. And just a great cat overall. After Jason got home from work that monday, we dropped Baxter off at a friend's and took Aiko to the vet again. He was so frail, and tired looking. He was so peaceful through the entire process, and the vet reassured us that we made the right decision. We knew it was, it was just so difficult. Indoor cats are supposed to live much longer than 8.5 years!

Baxter had a grand time, and didn't even notice that we had left him. Jason and I spent the night zoning out, watching TV, and reminiscing about Aiko during commercials. Aiko, you will so be missed. You were a great cat, and we loved you. We loved you enough to try to save you, and to know when you were done.
While Aiko had been sick, Tabetha distanced herself from him. She knew something was wrong. She stopped playing and started eating more. Always a very slight cat, she gained wait and filled out. The night Aiko left us, she walked around the house crying all night. It just about broke my heart.
That left us with a very hard decision. Do we get a new cat right away? Do we grieve longer? It's nearing the end of kitten season. Tabetha is lonely. We knew we needed a kitten, since Tabetha is an alpha female and since she's so small the new cat would need to be physically smaller than her.
Enter Mr. Waffles. Mr. Chester P. Waffles to be exact. And yes, the P stands for "pancakes."

At 7 weeks old, he's all of 1.3lbs, and a complete love. There was no adjustment period for him. He cuddles all night, and plays all day. Except when he's napping, which is often. He adores Baxter, and Baxter adores him, they play all the time. He misses us, and if he can't find us he wanders the house crying until we call out and he can find us for cuddles. Tabetha loves him already, and they've started cuddling together after only 3 days. He hasn't filled the void Aiko left, but he's certainly trying to make a dent in it. He will be a much loved cat as well. In fact, he already is!

Saturday, October 3, 2009
So much going on
A few weekends ago we took an over night cruise to Vancouver with Jason's family. It was a great relaxing time, and a fun introduction to cruising! Next time hopefully we'll be on the cruise ship for more than 21 hours. And have a car seat that's not crazy old, hehe.
The big thing going on right now, other than Baxter being adorable, is that I think our kitty Aiko isn't going to be with us much longer :( He's been losing weight, and this last month he's just dropped a ton of weight. He used to be between 11-12 lbs, but now he's down to just over 7. We spent $300 to find out it's an intestinal issue. We could spend another $200 to find out if it's one of 3 things. It could be a bacterial infection (treated with antibiotics that we can afford), a B12 deficiency (shots every week for 6 weeks, then every other week for as long as it takes, at least $1000), Pancreatitis (same treatment but different meds, still about $1000). Or it could be intestinal cancer, which they would have to do an expensive biopsy for and there's no treatment available. Since the only treatment we can afford is the antibiotics, that's what he's been on the last 9 days. We also switched him to a super expensive hypoallergenic food. He's also been really dehydrated. Since then, he stopped making the effort to go upstairs to use the litterbox, so we moved his food to the bathroom, and he's taken up residence in the bath tub. He won't budge, and can't wait to get back in it. I think he's just soiling himself too, and he's not eating enough to have any solid waste. He's eating *maybe* 1/16th a cup of catfood a day. It's just so sad. We got Aiko as a kitten before we got married, and he's only 8 years old. I wish I had the money to save him, but we just can't afford it. I need to take him to the vet again this week to make sure he's not in pain. Poor guy :( He was my first baby.
Oh, and Baxter is using more and more sign language.
This is a short and completely uninformative update, sorry!
The big thing going on right now, other than Baxter being adorable, is that I think our kitty Aiko isn't going to be with us much longer :( He's been losing weight, and this last month he's just dropped a ton of weight. He used to be between 11-12 lbs, but now he's down to just over 7. We spent $300 to find out it's an intestinal issue. We could spend another $200 to find out if it's one of 3 things. It could be a bacterial infection (treated with antibiotics that we can afford), a B12 deficiency (shots every week for 6 weeks, then every other week for as long as it takes, at least $1000), Pancreatitis (same treatment but different meds, still about $1000). Or it could be intestinal cancer, which they would have to do an expensive biopsy for and there's no treatment available. Since the only treatment we can afford is the antibiotics, that's what he's been on the last 9 days. We also switched him to a super expensive hypoallergenic food. He's also been really dehydrated. Since then, he stopped making the effort to go upstairs to use the litterbox, so we moved his food to the bathroom, and he's taken up residence in the bath tub. He won't budge, and can't wait to get back in it. I think he's just soiling himself too, and he's not eating enough to have any solid waste. He's eating *maybe* 1/16th a cup of catfood a day. It's just so sad. We got Aiko as a kitten before we got married, and he's only 8 years old. I wish I had the money to save him, but we just can't afford it. I need to take him to the vet again this week to make sure he's not in pain. Poor guy :( He was my first baby.
Oh, and Baxter is using more and more sign language.
This is a short and completely uninformative update, sorry!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
A break from the silence
We've had a super busy summer. I'll do a quick recap. We spent the first week in Seattle for Baxter's birthday. While there Baxter had TWO birthday parties, we had family photos taken, and we went to the zoo. While in Seattle my beloved laptop somewhat died. It may be fixable, but not by me. We came home for a day then went to Chelan to spend time with friends and their two boys. Baxter learned a ton, ate a lot of grapes, and fun was had by all. So this entire time I was accumulating photos and had no way to upload them! THANKFULLY I had backed up my laptop before we left, just in case. When we got home from Chelan I ordered myself a spiffy new iMac. The goal is to have Dilley Dally pay for it. If it's not going that direction I may finally get a business license so I can claim a loss this year. Fun times.
We had some down time where I caught up on a few things and attempted to get photos up and so forth. I'm happy to say Flickr is fully updated, and there are pages and pages of photos to sort though! Well, I take that back. I have a few more to upload from recently...
Then over labor day weekend we went to Seattle. We had friends visiting from Virginia who we going to PAX, a giant nerdy video game conference. Baxter and I went on Saturday, and Jason went on Saturday and Sunday. Then Geoff came up to visit on Monday night and went home yesterday (Wednesday) morning. Sadly Jason, Geoff and Janet all contracted what is being known as "PAX Pox" - AKA Swine Flu. So far only Janet has had it confirmed with a doctor, but there was quite an outbreak at the conference. Jason is home sick, and Baxter and I are staying clear. We're feeling fine, but now we're on self imposed quarantine :(
So some of the new things Baxter has been doing.
He learned how to eat with a spoon and fork, and now all meals require them even if he doesn't use them.
Everything is a phone, including his hands and occasionally a foot during a diaper change.
We had our first experience with disposable diapers (yuck!) and Jason declared that except for an upcoming exception lets not buy them again because they STINK and leak. We had to buy them because Baxter had a terrible diaper rash caused by too much fruit and pooping during naps and in the middle of the night. His poo became acid and burned his little bum, and the prescription cream would ruin the cloth diapers, so we sucked it up and bought a pack of sposies. We'll use them again when we go to Canada in two weeks, but that's another post.
He started to say words on accident. He said "kitty" twice (but never again) and today started to say "hi" and "hello."
Cats are his most favorite thing ever. He waves, says his "ahhhh" (which is a high pitched sound approximating hi) and then squats down so he can try to kiss them on the nose. He's good with gentle pets though, and has never been scratched or bitten.
He learned how to turn the tv on and how to change the channels. His favorite shows to stop on are Animal Planet (where he waves at the tigers and tries to kiss them through the TV), daytime courtroom shows like Judge Judy, and The Golden Girls. He mostly ignores cartoons.
He's really into giving kisses, and will sometime do it on demand. But kisses only go on mouths. Never cheeks or on tops of heads. We asked him to give his cousin Riley a kiss while he was doing tummy time on the floor, and Bax had to squat down and try to get Riley to look up at him before he would attempt a kiss. It was ridiculously cute.
Baxter likes feeding other people, and has started to have an opinion on food. He really likes some things now, and it's different from what it used to be. Sometimes he will have 3 bites of food and be done, and other times he will eat a bowl of oatmeal with blueberries, a whole banana, and a slice of toast (like he did for breakfast today). He tends to eat the most in the mornings.
Baxter loves sprinklers and splash pads, but can't stand bodies of water or bubbles. Lakes, pools, large bathtubs and bubble baths send him into hysterics. But he will play for a really long time in a sprinkler or at the splash pad.
Baxter is still breastfeeding, but never asks for it. Mostly if he's fussy it's how I distract him. He also nurses before naps and bed.
He's sooooo close to sleeping through the night (and by that I mean more then the "technical" definition of 5 hour stretches). He goes down around 7 then wakes up from 3:30-5 to nurse then goes back down. He's up for the day between 6:30 and 7 usually. If he dropped that last night feeding I would be sooooo happy! At least until I had to wake up multiple times a night to feed a new baby, but hey, it's bonding right? Baxter and I are plenty bonded now :)
Ok, I'm running out of things to say, so I'll just end this with some photo highlights. Because I know you want them.

Mmmm, birthday cake!

Feeding me some of his birthday cake *swoon*

Splorin the Chelan house yard

My attempt at artsy flower photos getting a lovely background surprise


Loving Spinapplemeal - spinach food processed down and combined with applesauce and oatmeal so it's thick enough to stay on an uncoordinated baby spoon.

A funny and cute capture in low light and high ISO, but I'm digging the graininess, at least with the black and white :)
We had some down time where I caught up on a few things and attempted to get photos up and so forth. I'm happy to say Flickr is fully updated, and there are pages and pages of photos to sort though! Well, I take that back. I have a few more to upload from recently...
Then over labor day weekend we went to Seattle. We had friends visiting from Virginia who we going to PAX, a giant nerdy video game conference. Baxter and I went on Saturday, and Jason went on Saturday and Sunday. Then Geoff came up to visit on Monday night and went home yesterday (Wednesday) morning. Sadly Jason, Geoff and Janet all contracted what is being known as "PAX Pox" - AKA Swine Flu. So far only Janet has had it confirmed with a doctor, but there was quite an outbreak at the conference. Jason is home sick, and Baxter and I are staying clear. We're feeling fine, but now we're on self imposed quarantine :(
So some of the new things Baxter has been doing.
He learned how to eat with a spoon and fork, and now all meals require them even if he doesn't use them.
Everything is a phone, including his hands and occasionally a foot during a diaper change.
We had our first experience with disposable diapers (yuck!) and Jason declared that except for an upcoming exception lets not buy them again because they STINK and leak. We had to buy them because Baxter had a terrible diaper rash caused by too much fruit and pooping during naps and in the middle of the night. His poo became acid and burned his little bum, and the prescription cream would ruin the cloth diapers, so we sucked it up and bought a pack of sposies. We'll use them again when we go to Canada in two weeks, but that's another post.
He started to say words on accident. He said "kitty" twice (but never again) and today started to say "hi" and "hello."
Cats are his most favorite thing ever. He waves, says his "ahhhh" (which is a high pitched sound approximating hi) and then squats down so he can try to kiss them on the nose. He's good with gentle pets though, and has never been scratched or bitten.
He learned how to turn the tv on and how to change the channels. His favorite shows to stop on are Animal Planet (where he waves at the tigers and tries to kiss them through the TV), daytime courtroom shows like Judge Judy, and The Golden Girls. He mostly ignores cartoons.
He's really into giving kisses, and will sometime do it on demand. But kisses only go on mouths. Never cheeks or on tops of heads. We asked him to give his cousin Riley a kiss while he was doing tummy time on the floor, and Bax had to squat down and try to get Riley to look up at him before he would attempt a kiss. It was ridiculously cute.
Baxter likes feeding other people, and has started to have an opinion on food. He really likes some things now, and it's different from what it used to be. Sometimes he will have 3 bites of food and be done, and other times he will eat a bowl of oatmeal with blueberries, a whole banana, and a slice of toast (like he did for breakfast today). He tends to eat the most in the mornings.
Baxter loves sprinklers and splash pads, but can't stand bodies of water or bubbles. Lakes, pools, large bathtubs and bubble baths send him into hysterics. But he will play for a really long time in a sprinkler or at the splash pad.
Baxter is still breastfeeding, but never asks for it. Mostly if he's fussy it's how I distract him. He also nurses before naps and bed.
He's sooooo close to sleeping through the night (and by that I mean more then the "technical" definition of 5 hour stretches). He goes down around 7 then wakes up from 3:30-5 to nurse then goes back down. He's up for the day between 6:30 and 7 usually. If he dropped that last night feeding I would be sooooo happy! At least until I had to wake up multiple times a night to feed a new baby, but hey, it's bonding right? Baxter and I are plenty bonded now :)
Ok, I'm running out of things to say, so I'll just end this with some photo highlights. Because I know you want them.

Mmmm, birthday cake!

Feeding me some of his birthday cake *swoon*

Splorin the Chelan house yard

My attempt at artsy flower photos getting a lovely background surprise


Loving Spinapplemeal - spinach food processed down and combined with applesauce and oatmeal so it's thick enough to stay on an uncoordinated baby spoon.

A funny and cute capture in low light and high ISO, but I'm digging the graininess, at least with the black and white :)
Friday, August 7, 2009
Another year, another half pound
I was right. Baxter hasn't really gained any weight since he started walking. Well, he gained just over half a pound. Not much.
My computer is on it's last legs. I had to take it in and have it wiped and the OS re-installed. I was then told that the harddrive was beginning to fail, and ever since then it's just limped along. It hardly works. So once we get back from Chelan it looks likes we will be looking into a new computer for me. I love this laptop, it has served me very well. I can't say I didn't get my money's worth! But until I get a new computer I can't post or edit photos. Sorry. I'll get them up eventually!!!
My computer is on it's last legs. I had to take it in and have it wiped and the OS re-installed. I was then told that the harddrive was beginning to fail, and ever since then it's just limped along. It hardly works. So once we get back from Chelan it looks likes we will be looking into a new computer for me. I love this laptop, it has served me very well. I can't say I didn't get my money's worth! But until I get a new computer I can't post or edit photos. Sorry. I'll get them up eventually!!!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
A year ago today...

I know, I can't believe it's been a year already! My baby boy has grown into a sturdy little toddler.

This past year has been amazing. I was going to write a sappy post, but my boy needs me to put him down for a nap.
And yes, he's SOOOO BIG!!!


Wednesday, July 29, 2009
His first haircut...
We've been going back and forth, cut his hair before his birthday? Do it ourselves or have it done? We wanted it done before we go to Chelan on the 8th, and just have too much going on before then. So tonight, I set up the camera, handed it to Jason, and turned on the clippers...

And you better believe I'm keeping his wings...

And you better believe I'm keeping his wings...


Sunday, July 26, 2009
My Goomba
My Goomba is adorable (especially in his Goomba shirt)

He's an incredibly smart monkey. Yes, he took the laundry basket, turned it upside down, climbed on top and used it as a stepstool.

He likes to sit in the chair. But not watch TV. Unless it's daddy playing Zelda or the creepy Arts channel.

He understands new games and toys right away.

And still tries to catch the sunlight.

I can't believe my baby will be a year old in less than a week! He can wave "bye-bye" now, and he's such a polite and sharing little boy. He loves to give hugs and kisses to his friends. We leave on Thursday to go to Seattle for a week for his birthday and family time, come home for a day, then leave for Chelan for another week. This time we're going with our good friends and their two little boys. It should be a fun filled week of bubbles, sprinklers, lake time, and card games in the evening. So I don't know how much I'll be blogging :) I'll try to keep photos updated though.
Having Jason home is great. Yesterday we took a walk around Lake Padden while Baxter napped in the stroller. And we've been taking turns sleeping in. That combined with Baxter only waking once a night has been glorious!

He's an incredibly smart monkey. Yes, he took the laundry basket, turned it upside down, climbed on top and used it as a stepstool.

He likes to sit in the chair. But not watch TV. Unless it's daddy playing Zelda or the creepy Arts channel.

He understands new games and toys right away.

And still tries to catch the sunlight.

I can't believe my baby will be a year old in less than a week! He can wave "bye-bye" now, and he's such a polite and sharing little boy. He loves to give hugs and kisses to his friends. We leave on Thursday to go to Seattle for a week for his birthday and family time, come home for a day, then leave for Chelan for another week. This time we're going with our good friends and their two little boys. It should be a fun filled week of bubbles, sprinklers, lake time, and card games in the evening. So I don't know how much I'll be blogging :) I'll try to keep photos updated though.
Having Jason home is great. Yesterday we took a walk around Lake Padden while Baxter napped in the stroller. And we've been taking turns sleeping in. That combined with Baxter only waking once a night has been glorious!

Monday, July 13, 2009
Oh, just a few more...
Have I commented recently on how much I love photoshop? I"m getting so much more into it! And of course, the Creative Mama is doing TWO more giveaways! One for some Florabella Textures, and one for a fine art print! *SWOON*
So of course I have to share my recent creations :) Just remember, I'm still learning!!!

So of course I have to share my recent creations :) Just remember, I'm still learning!!!


Saturday, July 11, 2009
A black and white kind of day
I'm getting more and more into Photography as I read the series on The Creative Mama. Today's giveaway is amazing, I'm having so much fun with actions, presets and textures. Next time I upload to flickr you'll see more. So yeah, I want to win this time!
I suppose I could tell you more about our Chelan trip, or what's happened this week. But I'm still tired! But there was a fire on the 4th of July (scary) right down the hill from us. Tony took off to try to fight it, but they wouldn't let him. Luckily it was controlled super fast. We went to the beach, and we ate good food, and had a general good time. It was a vacation, I'm not sure what else to say! Grandma Deanna taught Bax how to bang a tin tray with a spoon... And Bax started to want to read books!

Baxter liked playing the piano, and when others played.

Jessie got creative with the blocks and glass topped table (I love this one!)

My boys loved on each other

And Grandma Deanna got lots of cuddles

Maybe next time I'll share some that aren't Black and White? There are more on the flickr page, but these are some favorites :) Oh, and YES, I've been photoshopping them all. Not like switching heads or anything, just some gentle enhancements, or converting to Black and White. Ya know, the good type of photoshopping!
I suppose I could tell you more about our Chelan trip, or what's happened this week. But I'm still tired! But there was a fire on the 4th of July (scary) right down the hill from us. Tony took off to try to fight it, but they wouldn't let him. Luckily it was controlled super fast. We went to the beach, and we ate good food, and had a general good time. It was a vacation, I'm not sure what else to say! Grandma Deanna taught Bax how to bang a tin tray with a spoon... And Bax started to want to read books!

Baxter liked playing the piano, and when others played.

Jessie got creative with the blocks and glass topped table (I love this one!)

My boys loved on each other

And Grandma Deanna got lots of cuddles

Maybe next time I'll share some that aren't Black and White? There are more on the flickr page, but these are some favorites :) Oh, and YES, I've been photoshopping them all. Not like switching heads or anything, just some gentle enhancements, or converting to Black and White. Ya know, the good type of photoshopping!
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