Monday, March 9, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.


This week I did not take Baxter out to run errands simply because I didn't feel like sitting on the ground to help him stand for three hours. We did not go to five different places at two different times during the same day just so that he would be happy being held or in a cart... 

And I certainly did not get excited that daylight savings time was beginning, meaning that Baxter's natural time to wake up would be pushed back an hour from between 5-6am to between 6-7am. 

Last Monday on my way to school I did not stop at Avenue Bread because my first class was cancelled and I was using the time for homework and I needed one of their amazing mochas and a freshly baked pastry. No, I was trying to save money and be a good little thrifty girl. 

There were not several nights that I was supposed to be doing homework that I was instead browsing ebay doing "research" on how much a used version of my camera and lens cost, so that when I had enough money saved I would know what was a good deal or not. And I did not just tell myself that because I didn't want to admit I was procrastinating. 

I certainly did not start a separate blog just for showing off my creations, but haven't told anyone where to find it because I want to make it pretty and put a nice layout on it first. 

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