Monday, March 30, 2009

What a Day...

Amusing Baxter story time! But first some business...

I LOVE YOU JASON! I can't believe we've been married seven years. You're the greatest husband, the best dad, and I'll love you forever.

Also Dilley Dally Diapers is opening on Wednesday!!! Yay! I'm still fine tuning the process, but I'm loving how everything is coming together.

Ok, and now the part you've been waiting for. Fun Baxter story time!

First, a cute tidbit. Baxter is totally in love with his Daddy. This morning he went into hysterics when Jason took a shower. He didn't want ME, he wanted DADDY. So for most of Jason's shower we played peek-a-boo with the shower curtain. If that doesn't melt your heart, I don't know what will.

And now, one of the funniest things I've ever seen the man child do. WARNING: Swallow whatever you're drinking.

Yesterday Baxter was cranky, and it was just about nap time. So I nursed him, then put him in bed. He squirmed around for a little bit, and then let out a pretty good fart. Well, evidently the fart wasn't enough.

I watched as he woke up, then stood up in his crib. His nose just peeks out over the top of the rail. He held on, then squatted down, like he needed some support. He then proceeded to drop a ginormous load in his pants. From there he stood up, looked over the rail, and GRINNED at me, like he was so proud of that poopy. I was laughing so hard I had to go get Jason to change his diaper. Then I put him back down for his nap.


  1. LOL I love that he was so proud of it!


  2. Can I be like you when I grow up?!? The diapers are adorable, if I had a baby I'd buy them!
